Community Climate Action Programme Funding Streams

Community Climate Action Programme Funding Streams

Community organisations in Meath with an interest in helping to address climate action in their local areas can apply for a Department of Environment, Climate and Communications grant fund that will be administered by Meath County Council.  

Community Climate Action Programme Funding Streams

Community Climate Action Programme: 

Strand 1: Action: Building Low Carbon Sustainable Communities

Strand 1A: Shared Island Community Climate Action


Purpose of Funding

Administered by Meath County Council on behalf of Department of Environment, Climate and Communications, the overall aim of the CCAP (Strands 1 & 1A) Programme is to provide finance to community groups interested in undertaking projects which help to shape and build low carbon communities. 


Who can apply?

Community Groups must be 

  • Not-for-profit Community Groups/organisations 
  • Based in Co. Meath
  • Registered with Meath PPN, Wheel, Tidy Towns and/or community groups with Articles of Association or Constitution. 


Project Themes

The Community Climate Action Fund is being made available to organisations and community groups interested in developing projects and initiatives which relate to the challenge of addressing climate change under the themes of Community Energy, Travel, Food & Waste, Shopping & Recycling and Local Climate & Environmental Action.

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What Grants are Available?

You could apply for a small grant of up to €20k, medium grant of €21-€50k or for a larger project grant of €51-€100k. 

There are two grant categories:

1) Local Community Projects and;

 2) A joint project between a community in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland which will operate under the Shared Island Initiative of Government.

So what kind of projects are we talking about?

Here are some examples;

•           Solar Panels and related equipment

•           Retrofitting community buildings

•           Energy efficient upgrades

•           LED community lighting

•           Community EV charging points

•           Low carbon technology/equipment

•           Bike racks or other infrastructure

•           Materials for repair hubs

•           Materials for community garden

•           composting facilities

•           Pollinator projects

•           Mini forest


The above are just a range or possible projects but if you think creatively you can come up with many more...  Think about how you can encourage and facilitate people to conserve and recycle? Think about how you might improve a building you may use or own by making it warmer and using solar or wind energy to reduce dependence of carbon fuels? Think about how you might improve or protect natural habits which are essential for insects, birds, bees? Think about how you might change mind-sets by proving facilities and information on positive environmental action by individuals?

How to Apply

Eligible groups should contact your Community Climate Action Officer at to discuss their project idea.

Next, complete an Expression of Interest Form and make sure to submit it by 28/02/2024.

Important Dates

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Useful Links

Community Group Guidelines

Expression of Interest Form

Prefunding Request Form

If you have any queries regarding the Community Climate Action Programme, please contact your Community Climate Action Officer at 046 909 7216 or


Foirmeacha as Gaeilge