Meath Economic Development Strategy

June 2023

Launch of the Meath Economic Development Strategy Roadmap

Meath – The Place & Space to Thrive

Cathaoirleach of Meath County Council Cllr. Tommy Reilly was joined by Minister for Justice Helen McEntee TD and Minister for Sport and Physical Education Thomas Byrne TD on Friday morning in Buvinda House, Navan for the official launch of the Meath Economic Development Strategy Roadmap.

The purpose of the roadmap is to continue with the vision and focus as identified in the Meath Economic Development Strategy 2014-2022 and to also ensure that those considering establishing or expanding their business within Meath, along with their potential workforce, see Meath as an ideal place to live, work and do business.

The Strategy had identified a number of key focus areas and sectoral opportunities to expand the economic base of County Meath, particularly with investment in the food, knowledge and creative economies and attracting further Foreign Direct Investment, by marketing Meath to overseas and indigenous investors as a county willing to support and work in collaboration.

Launching the strategy Minister for Justice Helen McEntee said ‘The Meath Economic Development Strategy sets out very clear strategic priorities to deliver on economic growth and new jobs in the coming years. Firstly, supporting towns and villages to remain attractive to live, work and thrive, it is not just about business but creating a home for people. Secondly, that we continue to promote Meath, not just locally but internationally, that we support initiatives that enhance the quality of life and finally, that we continue to further coordinate and focus development on connectivity, digitalisation and smart initiatives’.  

Speaking at the launch Cathaoirleach of Meath County Council Cllr. Tommy Reilly said ‘I will ensure that during my term as Cathaoirleach economic development will be my priority and the Council will prepare and adopt a new innovative Economic Development Strategy that will build on our successes to date.  To deliver on this promise we are going to put together an Economic Development Forum that will be made up of business leaders and entrepreneurs and high achievers to oversee the preparation and implementation of this new strategy’.

Meath County Council Chief Executive Fiona Lawless paid tribute to the work already done, ‘I would like to acknowledge the work of the elected members, the Strategic Policy Committee, the Planning and Economic Development teams, our Local Enterprise Office and Meath Enterprise staff on the implementation of the Economic Development Strategy to date. With their commitment to giving investors the support and services they need to conduct business in our county, we will continue the journey to being at the centre of cutting-edge innovation in the 21st Century and a great place to live, work and build a brighter future for our growing number of inhabitants’.

March 2016

Meath’s Economic Development Strategy 2014-2022

Further to the initial launch of the County’s Economic Development Strategy in June 2015, Meath County Council is delighted to present a summary document of the key findings from the Economic Development Strategy Report.

This publication provides factual information on the economic profile of Meath while setting out a clear Action Plan to deliver on economic, spatial and marketing objectives, to deliver a whole new vision at accelerating the economic transformation, growth and job creation within Meath.

Aims of the Economic Development Strategy 2014-2022

Aims of the Economic Development Strategy 2014-2022

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Report has been carried out on the Economic Development Strategy for County Meath 2014- 2022 by Brady Shipman Martin on behalf of Meath County Council.

Following review and consideration of the issues pertaining to the Economic Development Strategy 2014-2022, the screening report concluded that the strategy in itself will not result in a significant adverse environmental effect and will therefore not require a detailed assessment of effects through the SEA process.

Appropriate Assessment (AA)

An Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening Report in compliance with Article 6 of the Habitats Directive has been undertaken on the Economic Development Strategy 2014-2022. Following an analysis of the Strategy and potential relationships with European sites, the screening concluded that there would be no likelihood of significant effects on any European sites, either alone or in combination with other plans or projects (with no requirement to carry out further stages of Appropriate Assessment on the Strategy).

This was informed by the collection of data on the European sites and identification of the condition, sensitivities and threats to the integrity of the sites. This decision has been informed by an Appropriate Assessment Screening Report prepared by Scott Cawley Limited on behalf of Meath County Council.

June 2015

Economic Development Strategy for County Meath to create 7,500 new jobs

The Economic Development Strategy for Co. Meath 2014-2022 was officially launched on Tuesday 2nd June 2015 at Ballymagarvey Village by Meath County Council Cathaoirleach, Cllr Jim Holloway. This major economic strategy aims to create 7,500 new jobs in Meath over the lifetime of the plan, approximately 1,000 new jobs a year. In developing this strategy, Meath County Council has positioned itself as the lead employment agency for business supports in the County and for promoting and supporting an enterprise culture that will increase investment into the county by 40%, enabling Meath to prosper as a distinct and diverse location to do business.

Economic Development Strategy launch group photo
Left to right: Dr. Pat McCloughan, Managing Director, PMCA Economic Consulting, Councillor Jim Holloway, Cathaoirleach, Meath County Council, Ms. Jackie Maguire, Chief Executive, Meath County Council, Mr Frank Ryan, Chairman of the Board, IDA Ireland, Mr.
Economic Development Strategy launch group shot
Left to right: TD Damien English, Minister of State at the Departments of Education and Skills and Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation - With Special Responsibility for Skills, Research and Innovation, Mr John Bruton, Chairman of the Meath Economic Forum, Cou

The economic strategy consists of three pillars- economics, spatial planning and marketing, to attract and support business in order to achieve the ambitious, yet achievable 7,500-job target. The strategy will represent a positive corporate response to improve the county and region - from a social and community perspective as well as economically. In doing so, this Council is actively engaging with and building relationships with businesses that have a role in economic development, harnessing talent and creating attractive living environments.