Road Network Management

Maintenance and management of roads

The Transportation (Roads) Department is responsible for the planning, design and maintenance of the regional and local roads within County Meath.

The Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) has ultimate responsibility for the National roads, but the maintenance of the National Roads is carried out by the Council with TII approval.

Funding for maintenance of the national roads is provided by TII. We use our own funds as well as specific grants from the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport for maintenance and road improvements to regional and local roads.

Works include road realignment, road strengthening, drainage and footpath repairs or replacement.

Hedge, Verge and Tree Cutting

Landowners and occupiers adjacent to public roads are legally obliged to maintain trees and hedges so that they are not a hazard to people using the road. Hedge Cutting should only be carried out during the period from 1st September to the end of February. Find out how to report illegal hedge cutting.

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Street Cleaning

We carry out street cleaning in the urban areas of County Meath on an ongoing basis. Find out how to report litter in these areas.

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