Expenses | Annual Declarations | Political Donations
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Meath County Council has a total of 40 councillors
These councillors represent the six municipal districts in Meath and are elected every five years. They meet monthly as a Council, as well as holding monthly meetings at municipal district level.
As part of their role in developing policy, elected members also sit on Strategic Policy Committees, which are also composed of representative of community and sectoral groups.
Functions of Councillors
Functions performed by the elected members are called ‘reserved functions’ and are set out in the Local Government Acts.
The 2014 Act provides that some reserved functions may be carried out by the municipal district members, some may be carried out either by the municipal district members or the full council, and some may be carried out only by the full council.
The overall local authority may delegate certain functions to the municipal district members, subject to certain conditions. The delegation of functions and the revocation of any such delegation must be agreed by at least half of the total membership. There are specific functions which the council may not delegate.
Some of most significant reserved functions include:
- Adopting the Annual Budget
- Making or varying the Development Plan
- Appointing the Chief Executive
- Allocating funding for grant schemes and other schemes of assistance.
- Adopting a plan of letting priorities for Local Authority Housing
- Making, amending and revoking bye laws
- Approval for borrowing
The Council makes its decisions by ‘resolution’ at its meetings.