Protected Disclosures

The Protected Disclosures Act 2014 is intended to provide a robust statutory framework within which workers can raise concerns regarding potential wrongdoing that has come to their attention in the workplace, in the knowledge that protections are available to them from any form of penalisation from doing so.

The Act came into effect on July 15, 2014. 

In accordance with the Protected Disclosures Act 2014, Meath County Council has put in place internal and external policies, procedures and reporting channels to foster a culture and work environment where workers are encouraged and supported in making reports knowing that their concerns will be taken seriously, will be investigated where appropriate, and that their confidentiality will be respected. 

These policies apply to all Meath County Council workers including contractors, consultants, agency staff, former employees and interns / trainees.

The policies highlight that it is always appropriate to raise concerns when they are based on a reasonable belief, irrespective of whether any wrongdoing is in fact subsequently identified, and provides workers with guidance on how to raise concerns.

Designated Officer to Receive Disclosures

In accordance with the Protected Disclosure Act 2014, the Council has appointed Ms. Elaine Daly, Senior Executive Officer, Corporate Affairs and Governance to receive protected disclosures.

Contact details for the designated officer are below:


Senior Executive Officer
Corporate Affairs and Governance Department
Meath County Council
Buvinda House
Dublin Road
County Meath
C15 Y291
(Please mark Private and Confidential)

Telephone: 046 9097053

Protected Disclosures Annual Report

Section 22(1) of the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 provides that every public body shall prepare in each year a report in relation to the immediately preceding year on any protected disclosures made and actions taken in response, if any:

Section 22(5) of the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 provides that every public body, prescribed person and the Commissioner shall every year publish on their websites the information provided to the Minister under section 22(1) of the Act

Policies, Procedures & Reporting Channels