Change of Ownership

What to do in the case of a change of ownership of a vehicle

The Vehicle Registration Unit at the Department of Transport, deals with change of vehicle ownership for vehicles registered since 01/01/1993. Contact them as follows:

Vehicle Registration Unit,
Department of Transport,
Co. Clare.

Tel: 0818 411 412



There is no charge for registering Change of Ownership details

Useful Information:

Vehicle Never Taxed Before:

If you want to change ownership of a vehicle that has never been taxed either by the current or last owner(s), please forward the following details to the Department of Transport:

Vehicle Registration Number

Vehicle Chassis Number (VIN)

Name and address of new owner

Date of sale

The Department of Transport will then record the new owner details on the computer records and post you a Form RF100 which will enable the vehicle to be taxed.

Vehicles registered since 01/01/1993:

Change of Ownerships for vehicles registered since 01/01/1993 are processed by the Department of Transport, Vehicle Registration Unit, Shannon, Co. Clare. The Vehicle Licensing Certificate / Vehicle Registration Certificate should be completed by the buyer and seller on the appropriate section of the document and forwarded to the Department of Transport. Please ensure that the Date of Sale is inserted in the space provided.

Vehicles registered before 01/01/1993:

Change of Ownerships of vehicles registered prior to 01/01/1993 is processed in the Motor Taxation Office. Form RF200 Notification of Transfer of Ownership - available at - should be completed by the buyer and seller. The Registration Book (brown book) must accompany Form RF200 and both should be forwarded to local Motor Taxation Office for processing. Please ensure Date of Sale is inserted in space provided.

Selling Your Vehicle To A Motor Dealer

If you sell your vehicle to a motor dealer, you have to complete a form RF 105, which is available from the motor dealer. The completed form should be returned to the Vehicle Registration Unit of the Department of Transport, (details below), while the Vehicle Licensing Certificate and Vehicle Registration Certificates are given to the motor dealer. 

Current Owner Deceased

Where the current owner (seller) of the vehicle is deceased, a letter from the Executor of Will or Solicitor showing the buyer's right to the vehicle should accompany the Vehicle Registration Certificate (VRC) that should be sent to the Department of Transport.

Where the VRC is not available or cannot be produced, the Department of Transport accept a declaration of ownership change in the form of a statutory declaration sworn before a Commissioner of Oaths or Practicing Solicitor. The Statutory Declaration must be also be accompanied by the aforementioned letter from Executor of Will or Solicitor.

 A Statutory Declaration Form can be obtained at your local Motor Tax Office.