Healthy Ireland and Healthy Meath

The Vision for a Healthy Ireland and Healthy Meath is where everyone can enjoy physical and mental health and wellbeing to their full potential, where wellbeing is valued and supported at every level of society and is everyone’s responsibility.


Healthy Meath Logos - Website

Healthy Ireland and Healthy Meath 

The four goals of Healthy Ireland and Healthy Meath are:

  1. Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all stages of life
  2. Reduce health inequalities
  3. Protect the public from threats to health and wellbeing
  4. Create an environment where every individual and sector of society can play their part in achieving a Healthy Ireland and Healthy Meath

Healthy Ireland Fund 2023-2025 - Round Four

The objective of the Healthy Ireland Fund 2023–2025 is to improve the health and wellbeing of people of all ages and abilities living in Ireland through the implementation of the Healthy Ireland Strategic Action Plan 2021–2025

For Healthy Ireland Round Four funding, local authorities were required to focus on two of the twenty-seven programme-level Healthy Ireland Outcome Indicators. Following an extensive public and stakeholder consultation and research process in late 2022, the following two indicators were agreed upon for Healthy Meath to focus on with the Round Four funding:

  • Increase in positive mental health as per the energy and vitality index
  • Decrease in unconditional probability of dying (aged 30-70) from four major non-communicable diseases: cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease, in terms of potential years of life lost


To find out more information about Healthy Meath get in touch:

Aisling O’Donnell, Healthy Ireland Coordinator for Meath


Phone: 046-9097400

Healthy Meath Healthy Lifestyle Campaign

The Healthy Meath - Healthy Lifestyle Campaign aims to raise awareness of the association between lifestyle habits and the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer occurring amongst the population of County Meath.

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Healthy Meath Microfund Grant Scheme

The Healthy Meath Micro Fund supports community and voluntary groups wishing to undertake specific 'Health and Wellbeing' projects related to:

  • Promoting and improving positive mental health
  • Promoting and improving healthy lifestyles


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Healthy Meath Newsletter

The Healthy Meath Newsletter is a resource which signposts to various health and wellbeing events / programmes / information happening across Meath each month.

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Mental Health Events Calendar

Healthy Meath, in collaboration with Healthy Louth and the Louth/Meath Connecting for Life Implementation Group, has come together to provide a monthly localised mental health promotion calendar.

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Positive Mental Health Awareness Video

Healthy Meath, in collaboration with Meath Comhairle na nÓg and Prosper Meath, have joined forces to raise awareness about the importance of positive mental health amongst young people in County Meath.

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