Roles, Responsibilities and Functions

Find out how the elected council and executive council work together to deliver services

Meath County Council has 40 elected members representing six municipal districts across the County; Ashbourne, Kells, Laytown/Bettystown, Navan, Ratoath, and Trim. Local Elections are held every 5 years and Councillors are elected by proportional representation.

The Cathaoirleach / Chairperson is elected at the annual meeting of the Council which takes place in June.

Functions performed by the Councillors are called “reserved functions” which include:

  • Adopting the Annual Budget
  • Making or varying the County Development Plan and Local Area Plans
  • Adopting a plan of letting priorities for Local Authority Housing
  • Making, amending and revoking bye laws

We hold monthly meetings of the full Council on the first Monday of each month (excluding August). The Council makes its decisions by “resolution” at these meetings.

We also hold an Annual Meeting and a Statutory Budget meeting, and other special meetings as required. Members of the public and media may attend Council meetings.