Funding available for Biodiversity
Community Foundation Ireland
Communities are being invited to apply for support to take steps to protect local plants and wildlife. Community Foundation Ireland is inviting applications from groups ready to develop or implement action plans which are targeted at promoting wildlife by protecting natural green areas and other habitats. Offered in partnership with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage the funding aims to build on the more than 180 communities which have developed their own plans since 2019.,identify%20needs%20for%20their%20area.
Heritage Council
Heritage Council Community Heritage Grant Scheme:
Natura Communities
LIFE IP Wild Atlantic Nature is launching a local communities support grant known as the Natura Communities Seed Fund. The aim of the fund is to assist communities in the project target areas in mobilising complementary funding for projects broadly related to conservation and restoration of blanket bog Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and their associated habitats.
National Parks and Wildlife Services (NPWS)
The Scheme aims to encourage communities, local organisations and other interested parties to become involved in the enhancement of their natural surrounding areas and to raise awareness. Applications are welcomed across a diverse range of initiatives with community benefit from events, education programmes, promotions, publications, exhibitions, development of conservation management plans, public amenity and recreational measures, maintenance measures that support conservation measures, monitoring or surveying work to inform of restoration/conservation projects, invasive species and fire control measures, anti-littering initiatives to local environmental improvements in the area of the designated sites and other peatland areas.
Local Authority Waters Programme
On 9th November 2024, the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) launched the 2025 Catchment Support Fund. The fund will help build the capacity of non-governmental organisations working in the area of water quality in Ireland by providing funding toward core organisational running costs.
The Catchment Support Fund is a direct response to community feedback and various reviews undertaken in recent years. Over €500,000 was awarded to 37 organisations earlier in 2024 in what was the first year of the Fund.
A key element of LAWPRO’s Catchment Support Fund is to assist the development of entities who can provide additional vital water quality services to communities and support the objectives of the new Water Action Plan for Ireland.
Under the 2025 Catchment Support Funding call, organisations are invited to apply for financial assistance under Strand 1 to support organisational costs such as statutory and/or legal fees, insurance costs associated with catchment management, accountancy fees, website annual support costs, an organisation’s promotional materials and group development activities.
European Commission
The European agricultural fund for rural development (EAFRD) finances the EU's contribution to rural development programmes (RDPs).
RDPs consist of measures and projects that contribute to the EU-wide objectives of:
- improving the competitiveness of agriculture
- encouraging sustainable management of natural resources and climate action
- achieving a balanced territorial development of rural economies and communities
Programmes are prepared on a national or regional basis, and must work towards specific targets relating to the EU’s rural development objectives.
LIFE programme
The LIFE Programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action.
Biodiversa+ is the European Biodiversity Partnership supporting excellent research on biodiversity with an impact on policy and society. It was jointly developed by BiodivERsA and the European Commission as part of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 and will contribute to the ambition that “by 2030, nature in Europe is back on a path of recovery, and that by 2050 people are living in harmony with Nature”.
Meath County Council Funding
Small Grants Scheme is also available here in the Council under the Local Biodiversity Action Fund. This fund is currently closed but will open again soon.