Taxonomy List



The Hop to it frog survey is co-ordinated by the Irish Peatland Conservation Council (IPCC).

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The fishing waters of Meath offer great diversity allowing for game, course and sea angling.

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Angling Permits

Anglers wishing to fish for wild brown trout, salmon and sea trout on the river Boyne must have the necessary permission and permit from the local angling association.

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Annual Budget

The revenue budget deals with the day to day expenditure of maintaining and providing services throughout the county.‌

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Annual Report

The Annual Report provides information in relation to the performance of the Council’s functions during a preceding year.

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Annual Service Delivery Plan

The Annual Service Delivery Plan underpins the objectives set out in the  Council’s Corporate Plan and identifies, with measureable targets, the principle services which the Council intends to deliver over the course of the year.

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