Adult Library Events

We have a diverse range of free weekly and monthly events and activities for adults across the county.  A whole host of other events also take place during the year to coincide with national festivals and initiatives.

Regular Events

These include Book Clubs, Craft Groups, Film Clubs, Creative Writing and Language Conversation Classes/Groups.  Check  the Events Calendar for more details of the regular activities in your local library.

Festivals and Special Events

Every year we organise events, talks and workshops to celebrate national festivals and initiatives.  These include


To celebrate Bealtaine, the Festival of Creativity in Older Age we run a variety of events and workshops including Art Classes, Music Events, and Readings.

Healthy Ireland

Healthy Ireland is a government-led initiative aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of everyone living in Ireland. Public libraries are delivering the nationwide Healthy Ireland at Your Library programme that establishes libraries as a valuable source within the community for health information.  Previous events organised in Meath are talks on Childhood Worries and Anxieties, Mindfulness, Dance, Nutrition workshops, Information sessions on Food Labelling and Nutrition, Yoga workshops and more.