Taxonomy List


Anti-Fraud and Corruption

Meath County Council is committed to preserving the highest standards of honesty, transparency, probity and accountability, and recognises that councillors and employees play a key role in achieving these aims.

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Antisocial Behaviour

The management of Local Authority Estates can be challenging, especially dealing with the problem of anti-social behaviour. We are committed to the prevention of anti-social behaviour in our estates and take a proactive approach to the problem.

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Approved Housing Bodies

Voluntary Housing Association or CoOperative housing refers to accommodation provided by not-for-profit organisations to help those who would not otherwise be able to afford to provide housing for themselves. These associations provide housing in response to local needs often meeting the specific needs of older people, people with a disability or homeless people. 

Housing provided by voluntary housing associations in Meath is allocated to applicants on Meath County Council's Social housing application list in accordance with Meath County Council's housing allocation scheme.

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