Boyne Greenway Landing Page Test Deirdre

Boyne Greenway Landing Page Test Deirdre

The Boyne Greenway Way, Navan to Oldbridge is a proposed greenway extending from Andy Brennan Park in Navan westwards to Oldbridge joining the existing greenway, an overall length of approximately 26km.

The Boyne Greenway is envisaged to be a flagship scheme for tourism in the county with the potential to promote and enhance the local tourist economy, as well as providing a superior public leisure and recreation amenity for the county’s residents.

The Boyne Greenway is currently at Option Selection stage, and we are now pleased to present the Emerging Preferred Option.

A Public Consultation on The Emerging Preferred Option (EPO) will start on Wednesday 29th November 2023 until Wednesday 10th January 2024. Visit the formal consultation page to make a submission. Consultation with other key stakeholders such as landowners will also progress simultaneously.

The Navigation Restoration project will progress as a separate project.  To view the summary report on this decision please click here.

View the summary report of option selection and drawings of the proposed route.

Project Background
Project Background
Project Development Process
Project Development Process
Have your say
Have your say
Public Consultation
Public Information Event
Artist's impressions
Boyne Greenway Gallery
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
View towards Stakallen Bridge (Eastwards)
Emerging Preferred Route and the Boyne Navigation