Boyne Greenway Frequently Asked Questions

See FAQ's about the Boyne Greenway below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Boyne Greenway and Navigation Restoration?

The Boyne Greenway Scheme is proposed to create a safe, attractive and environmentally sympathetic canal and river side walking and cycling route between Andy Brennan Park in Navan and the main gates of Oldbridge Estate, Drogheda, along over 26.5km in length. The Boyne Greenway will be a flagship tourism scheme of regional, national and international significance which will provide access to the wealth and diversity of ecological, cultural, industrial and historical heritage within the Boyne Valley.

Who can use the scheme?

Any non-motorized user will be able to enjoy the Boyne Greenway and will be able to travel the entire route. The greenway, however, is not intended to facilitate horses. A key objective of the scheme is to ensure universal accessibility. This includes pedestrians, runners, cyclists of all experience, and wheelchair users (including powered wheelchairs, mobility scooters). Horese are not permitted on greenways. Key aspects of the greenway that will help achieve this is that it will be primarily off road and will have appropriate surface quality and width.

What is the purpose of this public consultation?

Following the first non-statutory public consultation held in February/March 2021 which presented the proposed route options along the River Boyne, a Stage 2 Options Assessment was completed for the Greenway Scheme, which has identified an EPR. Considering the value of the feedback received to date, we wish to provide the public with information and with an opportunity to voice any relevant comments and questions on the EPR. Following the review of the feedback received from the public, consideration will be given to making any appropriate adjustments.

This consultation is a non-statutory consultation.

How to I provide my feedback about the proposed scheme?

This Non-Statutory Public Consultation Display Period will run from the 11th December 2023 to the 29th January 2024 with Submissions accepted up to 5:00pm on the 9th February 2024. Any submissions shall state your name, address and where relevant, the body or organisation represented.Submissions with respect to the proposed scheme can be made 

 If you have other or further questions, visit the project webpage at for more information.

How will the Boyne Greenway be designed?

The scheme will be designed to the relevant Irish design standards such as the Transport Infrastructure Ireland’s Rural Cycle Design Guidance and where appropriate the National Transport Authority's Cycle Design Manual. The design will consider the impacts on the environment, property, interaction with traffic, local connections and issues and feedback from the public to ensure that the completed scheme provides the best possible user experience.

It is important to note at this stage that no detailed or preliminary design has taken place other than to establish and confirm the general feasibility of the Emerging Preferred Route. Should the Preferred Route progress, then further design of all the various aspects will take place then with due consultation with stakeholders as appropriate.

The development process for the Boyne Greenway is following the Department of Transport's Code of Best Practice for National and Regional Greenways insofar as possible.

Will the greenway impact private property and land?

Significant consideration is always given to the impact of any route on private property and land. Generally, the Emerging Preferred Route follows the line of the navigation towpath to avoid impact on farmland.

While efforts have been made to reduce the impact on private property and land, some will be required to facilitate the construction of the Boyne Greenway. It is intended that this land will be acquired by agreement as far as possible in line with the Department of Transport's Code of Best Practice for National and Regional Greenways insofar as possible. An independent Agronomist is available for affected landowners. 

Will the scheme impact on flooding?

A flood modelling assessment has been undertaken for the proposed Boyne Greenway. The results indicated that some sections of the Emerging Preferred Route will flood. Measures such as raising path levels and providing boardwalks have been investigated to keep the route flood free for 95% of the time per year.

The route with these measures in place has been assessed to ensure that no downstream impacts are caused due to the development of the greenway. This work will be further refined at Phase 3 Preliminary Design.

Will there be any separation between pedestrians and cyclists?

It is proposed that the greenway will be shared between pedestrians and cyclists. The route will be predominantly 3.0m wide or more and thus the scheme will easily accommodate both pedestrians and cyclists’ safety and comfortably without the need to provide separation. 

The route will, in the most part, be off road with minimal interaction with cars.

Has the environmental impact of the greenway been considered?

Yes, since inception of the project, the environmental impact of the scheme has been one of the main considerations and will remain so throughout the development of the project. A constraints study was carried out in which a comprehensive review of the environmentally sensitive sites in the study area was completed. The Emerging Preferred Route has been assessed against these and as it progressed. At planning application stage, an Environmental Impact Assessment is likely to be required.

At what stage is the Boyne Greenway and Navigation Restoration Scheme?

The Boyne Greenway and Navigation Restoration is at Phase 2 Feasibility and Options Selection. A Non-Statutory Public Consultation Display Period will run from the 11th December 2023 to the 29th January 2024, inclusive, presents the emerging outcomes of the feasibility and options selection process for the scheme. Submissions will be accepted up to 5:00pm on the 9th February 2024.

A draft Feasibility and Options Assessment Report has been completed for the Greenway Scheme and this has identified an Emerging Preferred Route (EPR).

Following the completion of the Navigation Restoration Scheme Feasibility Study and a review of the Feasibility and Options Assessment Report for the Greenway Scheme a decision has been reached that the Navigation Restoration should be considered separately from the Greenway Scheme. Further detail on the how this decision was reached can be obtained from the Executive Summary Report on the Navigation Restoration

When will the Boyne Greenway be open?

n order to reach completion and opening of the Greenway Scheme there are many milestones to be achieved. The first of these is to submit a planning application. This will most likely be to An Bord Pleanála. The current programme indicates that a planning application can submitted by Q4 2025 / Q1 2026. Beyond that timeframe, assuming that planning approval is achieved, it is not possible to be definitive on when construction of the Greenway Scheme would start as this would be subject to available funding at that time

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions on the Public Consultation for Boyne Greenway Emerging Preferred Route (pdf)