Boyne Greenway Have your Say

Have your say about the Boyne Greenway

Have your Say

The views of the public are an important and central element of the planning and design process of this Greenway. Extensive provision for both public consultation and the dissemination of information to the public during the development of the project is vital.

There are a number of ways you can have your say on the Emerging Preferred Route.

  • Making a submission via Meath County Council consultation portal 
  • Making a submission by post to : Boyne Greenway Consultation, Transportation Department, Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road Navan, County Meath, C15 Y291
  • Emailing your submission to with 'Boyne Greenway Navan to Oldbridge Project Public Consultation' in the subject line.

The last date for submissions is 9th February 2024. Please note submissions may become public documents subject to Data Protection and Freedom of Information statutes.

As part of this consultation we would like to garner some views, opinions and demographics from the public. If you would like to take part please complete this online questionnaire