Planning Licences / Permits / Events

Apply for outdoor dining, event, appliance, hoarding, skip, scaffolding, street furnishing, removable and directional / fingerpost signage licences.

Event Licence

For the purposes of the Planning Acts Section 183 as amended of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 states:

“An event at which the audience comprises 5,000 or more people shall be an event prescribed for the purposes of section 230 of the Planning and Development Act”

Section 230 of the Act refers to an obligation to obtain a licence for holding of an event.

  • A licence shall not be required for the holding of an event in which the audience is less than 5000 people.”

Organisers of the event are required to ensure public safety at all times and to liaise with the relevant service providers including the Guards, Health Services Executive, River Rescue, Fire Service etc throughout the event.

If you are planning an event where it is anticipated that more than 5000 people will be in attendance then an application for an event licence should be made to us. It is advisable to enter pre-application consultations with us.

If an application is made for an Event Licence, there is a period for submission/ observations which will be stated in the public notices.

Apply for an Event Licence

Contact us for a pre-application consultation.

Apply for Other Types of Licences

To apply for one of the following, see below Related Information Section.

  • Outdoor Dining Licences
  • Appliance Licences
  • Hoarding Licences
  • Skip Licences
  • Scaffolding Licences
  • Street Furnishing Licences including street removable signage
  • Directional / Fingerpost Signage