Safety, Management and Licencing of Events

Safe management of events in premises and public spaces including on roads

Events are an important part of the social and community life in County Meath. Each year a number of parades, concerts, food fairs, festivals and historic re-enactments take place.

These events provide entertainment to our citizens and encourage visitors to our beautiful county and coastline.

Meath County Council encourages and supports these events. The Council has produced the guide below in order to inform the safe management of events in its premises and public spaces.

These include events organised/supported by employees of Meath County Council or may be events with external organisers and committees.

An event on a public road is a non-routine planned public or social occasion which requires either /and closure of the public road and/or use of the public road for proper traffic management.

Meath County Council is a notifiable body as part of the planning process for large Events, Concerts etc. for attendance of over 5000 people, and such notifications should be made to

Applications in relation to organising events on public roads can be forwarded to  - Applications to be made a minimum of 10 weeks prior to the Event – this allows for a Statutory Road Closure Application to be made by the Applicant  should the Event Application warrant a Road Closure

Applications must include all of the following or will be deemed incomplete and will be rejected and returned to the Applicant

  • Event Plan
  • Completed Application Form
  • Safety Statement
  • Risk Assessment
  • Insurance, Indemnifying Meath County Council
  • Gardai Letter / Email ( where indicated that they are part of the Event Plan)
  • Traffic Management Plan
Event Management Guidelines
Event Management Application Form 2025
How we handle personal information
Event on Public Road Application Form 2025