Election Posters

The use of election posters is governed by litter, electoral, road safety and planning laws which restrict placement and the time at which election posters may be displayed.

The legislation governing placement of posters at election time is The Litter Pollution Act 1997 as amended by the Electoral (Amendment)(No.2) Act 2009. 

The legislation provides that erection of posters is only permitted from the date the order is made by the Minister appointing the polling day or 30 days prior to the date of the poll, whichever is the shorter period.

Thereafter posters must be removed within 7 days of the polling day. If posters are in place outside of these dates, fines will be issued by the Council at the rate of €150 per poster. 

For the 2024 Local Elections the date that posters can be erected is Wednesday 8th May 2024 and must be removed by Friday 14th June 2024 (midnight).


Details of these restrictions can be found on the Department of Communications, Climate Action and the Environment website.