Healthy Meath Healthy Lifestyle Campaign

The Healthy Meath - Healthy Lifestyle Campaign aims to raise awareness of the association between lifestyle habits and the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer occurring amongst the population of County Meath.

What does our organisation get if we sign up?

  • A campaign sign suitable for outdoor use
  • A campaign poster 
  • A collection of campaign images & messages for online use
  • Healthy Meath merchandise (first 10 sign ups)
  • A free healthy lifestyle talk delivered by the Healthy Ireland Coordinator for your group (first 5 sign ups)
  • Advice on how to promote health & wellbeing within your community

How to get involved

The Healthy Meath - Healthy Lifestyle Campaign signage / posters / social media content will be made available free of charge to interested community based organisations, who have access to a prominent public facing location to display the campaign information.

To get involved all you have to do is:

  • Complete the sign-up form by clicking here
  • Or download the sign-up form below and return to or by post to Healthy Meath, Community Section, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath
  • Display the signage in prominent locations where members of the public will be able to see it
  • Promote the healthy lifestyle messages contained in the campaign amongst your organisation and within your community
  • Promote the campaign through your own social media channels and networks

Purpose of the campaign

The purpose of this campaign is to convey the message that adopting a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the risk of developing these diseases. The six evidence based messages included in the campaign highlight the importance of:

  • Having regular health checks
  • Protecting your skin from the harmful rays of the sun
  • Not smoking
  • Maintaining a healthy balanced diet
  • Participating in regular physical activity
  • Keeping alcohol intakes below the safe intake levels


For more information on each of the messages contained within the campaign click the links below.

For More Information Contact

Aisling O'Donnell, Healthy Ireland Coordinator, Meath County Council

Email:     Phone: 046 9097400