Healthy Ireland Fund Local Strategy

Find out about the Healthy Ireland Fund Local Strategy for Meath County Council.

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In County Meath an extensive public consultation was undertaken to support the Healthy Ireland Round 4 Application in 2023. Following this, two key areas were identified as a priority for County Meath; increase in positive mental health and a reduction in death from chronic diseases which are aligned with The Healthy Ireland Outcomes Framework.

These funds will support initiatives targeted at different population groups in County Meath including Adolescents and Young People, the General Population, The Traveller Community and People living in Disadvantaged Communities.

This funding continues a long-standing relationship between Healthy Ireland, Meath Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) and Meath County Council who have an important role in promoting health and wellbeing in the County. It will enable health and wellbeing initiatives to be delivered at a local level for the population of County Meath in partnership with various organisations.

The Healthy Ireland Fund Local Strategy for Meath County Council is available to read below.