Unauthorised Development

Report a development and see what circumstances allow a development to be exempt

Meath County Council has powers under the Planning and Development Acts to take enforcement action where development (either works or uses) is in breach of planning laws and is therefore, considered to be unauthorised.

When is a development unauthorised?

A development is unauthorised when:

  • The Development is not exempted development 
  • Planning permission is required but has not been obtained.
  • Planning permission was granted but not completed in accordance with the conditions attached by the planning authority.

Find out about Exempted developments (developments that do not need planning permission.

How can I find out if a development has planning permission?

You can inspect the Planning Register in the Planning Department. This can be done in person by calling to the public counter or you can also search planning permission applications online

The public counter for Planning is open from 9-4pm everyday and closed for lunch 1-2pm.

What should I do if I think that there is a breach of the planning regulations?

Follow the steps here if you think that you have discovered a breach of the planning regulations 

What are the penalties for breaches of the planning laws?

The penalties for breaches of the planning law depend on the nature of the offence, but may result in a fine and/or a prison sentence.