Burial Ground Grant Scheme 2025
Meath County Council recognises and supports the enormous effort which voluntary groups around the county undertake to maintain and manage local graveyards/burial grounds. Along with providing a resting place for our ancestors, these sites are very important elements of our local community and are valuable in terms of built, natural and cultural heritage and as repositories of local genealogy, sculpture and art.
Who can apply?
This scheme will provide financial assistance to county based Graveyard / Burial Ground Committees who work voluntarily to enhance and maintain their local graveyards / burial grounds. This scheme is administered by the Community Department of Meath County Council.
How much is available under the grant?
A grant up to a maximum of €750 or 90% of the cost of the works may be made available to successful applicants. The amount of grant paid to an individual group will depend on take-up of the scheme in the county and overall expenditure incurred by each group.
Eligible works / projects:
The following projects will be eligible for funding:
- Graveyard / Burial ground maintenance
- Recording Schemes
- Conservation Reports / Studies
The conditions and guidelines for the scheme are available as part of the application form document which can be downloaded below.
Meath County Council’s Heritage Section is happy to give advice on any aspect of proposed maintenance works.
How to Apply
Application forms are below.
The Closing date for receipt of applications is Friday, 31st March 2025.
If you have any queries please phone 046-9097400