Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP)

The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) 2024 – 2028 provides funding to tackle poverty and social exclusion at a local level through local engagement and partnerships between disadvantaged individuals, community organisations and public sector agencies.

SICAP Sponsors Logos

Administered by Pobal, SICAP 2024-2028 is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills, and Training (EIST) Programme 2021-2027.

SICAP is a targeted, holistic programme, for those who are most disadvantaged and less likely to access mainstream services, which provides supports directly to beneficiaries and links them into existing services. Programme Implementers (PIs) engage with marginalised communities and service providers using a community development approach to address issues relating to social exclusion and inequality. SICAP also prioritises local engagement and partnerships, between SICAP Programme Implementers, disadvantaged individuals, community organisations and public sector agencies.

SICAP is managed at a local level by 33 Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs), with support from local authorities, and actions are delivered by Programme Implementers (PIs).

Programme Implementers work with marginalised communities and service providers using a community development approach to improve people’s lives. For example, helping people to find work or to upskill, providing CV training or a personal development course, helping them onto a work placement programme such as CE or Tύs.

SICAP 2024-2028 has specific ‘target’ groups to ensure it is a targeted and focused programme. Only people who are from one or more of these groups are eligible for support under the programme:

List of 12 Target Groups

  1. People living in disadvantaged communities
  2. People impacted by educational disadvantage
  3. People living in jobless households or households where the primary
  4. income source is low-paid and/or precarious.
  5. People who are long-term unemployed
  6. People with a criminal history
  7. Refugees
  8. International Protection Applicants
  9. People with Disabilities
  10. Heads of One-parent Families
  11. Travellers
  12. Roma
  13. Island residents 

For more information on the programme and the supports and services available see or contact the SICAP Team in Meath Partnership on 046 9280790.

Meath Partnership,
Unit 7,
Kells Business Park,
Cavan Road,
Co. Meath.

SICAP Targets for 2023 in Meath

KPI 1 (Local Community Groups) Target – 45
KPI 2 (Individuals) Target – 275
% KPI2 in disadvantaged areas Target (agreed emerging need Homeless) - 17%