Exempted Developments

Details of the types of development that don't require planning permission and how to apply for an exemption certificate

What is Exempt Development?

Exempt development is development for which planning permission is not required. It generally relates to developments of a minor nature such as:

  • Works of improvement, maintenance or other alterations that affect only the interior of a structure.
  • Works that do not materially affect the external appearance of a structure.
  • Building of an extension, shed, garage, boundary walls etc. within the curtilage of a house, subject to conditions and limitations.
  • Certain categories of changes of use.

Further information on exempted development is available from: http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/2000/en/act/pub/0030/sec0004.html

Is your Development Exempt?

Some minor developments are exempted development, and do not need planning permission.

The following guides to planning permission give more details on whether planning permission is needed:

Doing work around the house (leaflet) 
Agriculture and farm development(leaflet)
Planning and the business person (leaflet) 

Remember, if your property is in an Architectural Conservation Area, Special Amenity Area Order, or is a Protected Structure/Listed Building these exemptions do not apply.

Confirmation of Exemption

If you need written confirmation that your development is exempt, you can apply for a document called an Exemption Certificate, where we confirm whether the proposed development does or does not require planning permission.

To apply for an Exemption Certificate for your development, fill in the form below and send it to us along with the list of documents and fee.

Application for Exempted Development (Section 5)

Please ensure that the following are enclosed with your application:

  • Enclose fee of €80
  • Sufficient scaled drawings and site location map marking site
  • Any other necessary details

If further information is required to be submitted, a declaration shall issue within three weeks of the receipt of this further information.


View Section 5 Declarations Issued


Farm Development

In relation to Farm Development - some exemptions are:

  • Use of land for agriculture or forestry.
  • Maintenance of land for agricultural purposes.
  • The temporary use of land for camping or mooring a boat (for 10 days or less) conditions and restrictions apply
  • The temporary use of land by a scouting organisation for a period of 30 days or less per year.
  • Works involving the construction of or maintenance of a gully, drain, pit or water course.

Booklets on doing work around the house and in relation to agriculture and farm development are available from the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government website.

Protected Structures and Architectural Conservation Areas 

It is important to note that most exemptions do not apply to structures that are included on the Register of Protected Structures or situated in an architectural conservation area.

Still Unsure if your Development is Exempt?

Not sure if your development is exempt?  Contact the Planning department.

Commercial to Residential Exemptions

For Commercial to Residential Exemptions relating to Change of Use and related works, of vacant Commercial premises for Residential purposes, providing an exemption from planning permission for a period of time - please click here. 

New Class of Exempted Development – Class 20F

The Planning and Development (Amendment)(No. 4) Regulations 2022 [S.I. 605/2022] amend Part 1 of Schedule 2, entitled ‘Exempted Development - General’ to insert a new Class 20F exemption. 


This new Class permits the change of use of the following structures for the purpose of providing the necessary facilities for international protection applicants:

“school, college, university, training centre, social centre, community centre, non-residential club, art gallery, museum, library, reading room, sports club or stadium, gymnasium, hotel, convention centre, conference centre, shop, office, Defence Forces barracks, light industrial building, airport operational building, wholesale warehouse or repository, local authority administrative office, play centre, medical and other health and social care accommodation, event and exhibition space or any structure or part of structure normally used for public worship or religious instruction.”


This provision is a temporary measure and will expire on 31 December 2024; the use of such structures shall cease on the expiry of the regulation.



Temporary use by or on behalf of the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to accommodate or support persons seeking international protection of any structure or part of a structure used as a school, college, university, training centre, social centre, community centre, non-residential club, art gallery, museum, library, reading room, sports club or stadium, gymnasium, hotel, convention centre, conference centre, shop, office, Defence Forces barracks, light industrial building, airport operational building, wholesale warehouse or repository, local authority administrative office, play centre, medical and other health and social care accommodation, event and exhibition space or any structure or part of structure normally used for public worship or religious instruction.


1. The temporary use shall only be for the purposes of accommodating persons seeking international protection.

2. The use shall be discontinued not later than 31 December 2024.

3. The relevant local authority shall be notified of locations where change of use is taking place prior the commencement of that change.

4. ‘international protection’, for the purpose of this class, has the meaning given to it in section 2(1) of the International Protection Act 2015 (No. 66 of 2015).


Notification Requirement

A planning authority must be notified in writing of the details of the development prior to the commencement of the proposed change of use.


Meath County Council,

Planning Department,

Buvinda House,

Dublin Road, Navan,

Co. Meath C15 Y291

Email: penquiries@meathcoco.ie


Protected Structures

Where a proposed change of use would materially affect a protected structure, the exemption is removed and planning permission is required in accordance with Section 57 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.