World Refugee Week 2024 - Event 18th June


World Refugee Week 2024 - Event 18th June

World Refugee Week

Meath Local Authority Integration Team attended the – “Taste The Harmony - Home in Every Bite” extravaganza as presented by Meath Partnership in Trim on Tuesday 18th June as part of the ongoing week long series of themed events to embrace World Refugee Week traversing the Royal County.

Pictured are Monica Nelson, Social Inclusion Manager at Meath Partnership introducing Lisa Newman from Meath County Council to the event.

Before a feast of international culinary delectable delights which wafted temptingly throughout the new stunning auditorium that is the Swift Cultural Centre  – the 114 strong intercultural audience now living in all corners of the County were welcomed by Monica on behalf of the Partnership.

The theme of home, resilience and family pervaded the offerings from the 3 guest speakers respectively from Thailand, Ukraine and South Africa – stories of heartache, resilience and hope dominating their discourses – which this morning sent out a reassuring message of a community as one.

The cream of artistic talent on show in Meath was opened up with Conor Kavanagh and his self-composed piece called –  Stranger (available on Spotify)  - alongside Eoin Murphy,  culminating in their scintillating rendition of “Beautiful Day” by U2 leaving the audience gasping for more. Bono beware – stiff competition is in the house!

The lucky ensemble gathered at the Swift were then treated to 4 powerful numbers - well chosen for the day and week it represented – by Amira Balogun.

An energetic finale was promised and exquisitely delivered by Godred Asare from the African Dance Centre who roused the audience into participative and rhythmic movement as the did the can-can out of the auditorium down to the much needed sustenance provided by Taste of Culture.