Heritage Office

Heritage Officer

What is a Heritage Officer and what do they do?

The Heritage Officer promotes interest, education, knowledge and pride in the heritage of County Meath. Heritage objectives are identified and prioritised the Local Heritage Plan that is formally adopted by the Local Authority.

Some of the principal areas addressed by the Heritage Officer include:

  • Facilitate County Heritage Forum
  • Implement County Meath Heritage Plan and County Meath Biodiversity Plan
  • Advise on best practice in heritage conservation and management
  • Heritage Education and Training
  • Data Collection
  • Build partnerships
  • Facilitate public participation
  • Integrate heritage within local government
  • Heritage Week

You can contact our Heritage Officer by email at heritage@meathcoco.ie with any Heritage related queries.

Heritage Officer

Meath's Heritage Officer

Our Heritage Officer, Loreto Guinan, was appointed in November 2003. The Heritage Officer Programme is a partnership arrangement between the Heritage Council and the Local Authority.

Loreto is a member of the Steering group/ Project team and was instrumental in helping to securing the Council funding under THRIVE for the new County Archive. https://www.meath.ie/navan-cultural-quarter-community-hub-county-archive


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