About the Fire Service

Meath County Fire and Rescue Service Mission is: "To take all necessary measures to ensure protection of life, property, and the environment by the efficient and effective prevention and control of fires, road fatalities, properties and analogous emergencies."

The functions of Meath County Fire and Rescue Service are divided into:

Operations - which deals with the day-to-day management and needs of the 7 Fire Brigades and Fire Stations;

Fire Safety - which deals with fire safety in the built environment generally and the safety of persons who occupy and use certain types of buildings;

Emergency Planning

The Fire Service in County Meath is a retained service i.e. the Fire Stations are not manned.

Meath County Fire Service management and administration is based in the Fire Office at Navan Fire Station.

Contact Details

Meath County Fire Service
Navan Fire Station
Abbey Road
Co. Meath
C15 A407

Tel: 046-9051068
Fax: 046-9029575

E-mail: customerservice@meathcoco.ie

Opening Hours

Monday                              9.00am – 5.15pm

Tuesday – Friday              9.00pm – 5pm

Please note that the offices are closed from 1pm to 2pm daily.