Refugee Week - 21st June 2024


Refugee Week - 21st June 2024

World Refugee Week Final

Meath County Council Local Authority Integration Team closed a fine set of event this week in celebration of World Refugee Week with a juice morning in the lovely surroundings of Enfield library this morning. 

Attendees as far away as Syria and the Ukraine,  as new guests to Ireland and the Royal County, attended to enjoy pastries, fruit and juices.  

Alongside the LAIT were members from Meath Partnership, the H.S.E migrant health team along with other Tusla representatives, with guests also from local groups including the language service providers who regularly attend the library to assist refugees in learning English.  

All were treated to a fine performance from Damien Doherty from Ratoath who stunned the audience with his Riverdance repertoire.  

We look forward to bigger events in 2025 for World Refugee Week back in Enfield and throughout County Meath.