

Determinations in respect of roads in Meath

Determination in accordance with the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011

Meath County Council have made determinations in accordance with the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011, Regulations 42(6)/42(7), that an Appropriate Assessment of the following plans or projects is / is not required.

A copy of the Approved Officers Orders may be viewed below or at the offices of Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath C15 Y291,  (Monday to Friday between the hours of 9.00a.m. and 1.00p.m. and between 2.00p.m. and 4.00p.m., excluding public holidays).

Boyne Greenway (Navan to Oldbridge) – Ground Investigation Works for the Boyne Greenway (Navan to Oldbridge)

The reasons for this determination are as follows:

  • Meath County Council’s consultant W.S. Atkins Ireland Ltd. (t/a Atkins Realis) stated AA Screening Conclusion that “In the absence of mitigation measures, there are potential water quality impacts as a result of the proposed project works which could give rise to likely significant effects on the Qualifying Interests species of the River Boyne and River Blackwater SAC and the Qualifying Interests species of the River Boyne and River Blackwater SPA
  • A Natura Impact Statement was prepared by Meath County Council’s consultant W.S. Atkins Ireland Ltd. (t/a Atkins Realis) and submitted to the National Parks and Wildlife Service on behalf of the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht in accordance with the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 as amended Regulation 42(9). In accordance with the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 as amended, Regulation 42(10) account has been taken of submissions made by the Minister to Meath County Council.
  • Meath County Council’s consultant W.S. Atkins Ireland Ltd. (t/a Atkins Realis) stated Natura Impact Statement Conclusion that “it is the recommendation of the authors of this report that Meath County Council, as the competent authority in this case, may determine that the proposed works, either individually or in combination with other plans or projects, will not adversely affect the integrity of any Natura 2000 site, provided that the mitigation prescribed in this NIS is fully and properly implemented.”

Meath County Council have therefore determined that in accordance with the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 as amended, Regulation 42(11), pursuant to Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive, that following implementation of mitigation measures, the project would not adversely affect the integrity of a European site.

 Note: A redacted version of the Natura Impact Statement is provided for inspection in accordance with provisions of the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 as amended, Regulation 42(18)(c).


Engineers Bridge - Oldbridge ( Part of the Boyne Boardwalk Refurbishment)


The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in an Appropriate Assessment  Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant's Roughan & O’Donovan Consulting Engineers, ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment for the vegetation removal is not required.

Proposed Dunboyne Link Road – Dunboyne Business Park connection to R157 Scheme

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in an Appropriate Assessment  Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant's O’Connor Sutton Cronin & Associates Ltd. ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment for the proposed link road works is not required.

R155 Road Safety Improvement Scheme Curragha

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in the Stage 1 AA Screening Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant RPS Consulting Engineers, ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment of the proposed road safety improvement scheme is not required.

LDR4 Abbeyland, Navan - Ground Investigation for Local Distributor Road 4 Abbeyland Navan scheme - Stage 1

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in the Stage 1 AA Screening Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant AECOM, i.e. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment of the proposed works (ground investigation) is required.

LDR4 Abbeyland, Navan - Ground Investigation for Local Distributor Road 4 Abbeyland Navan Scheme Stage 2

The reason for this determination is as follows.

  • The Concluding Statement in the Natura Impact Statement (NIS) produced by Meath County Council’s consultant AECOM is as follows. “Following implementation of mitigation measures, It is the view of AECOM that the proposed works would have no adverse effects on the integrity of any European sites, either alone or in-combination with other plans or projects.”
  • The NIS was submitted to the National Parks and Wildlife Service on behalf of the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht on 4th April 2019, in accordance with the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 as amended, Regulation 42(9), and no comments were returned during the subsequent statutory six week consultation period.

Meath County Council have therefore determined that in accordance with the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 as amended, Regulation 42(11), pursuant to Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive, that following implementation of mitigation measures, the project would not adversely affect the integrity of a European site.

R163 at Headfort Bridge - Bridge Rehabilitation Works on the R163 at Headfort Bridge Ground

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in the Stage 1 AA Screening Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant Inis Environmental Consultants Ltd, ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment of the proposed works (bridge rehabilitation works) is not required.

N2 Slane Bypass Scheme - Options Selection Phase of N2 Slane Bypass Scheme (Geophysical Surveys works)

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in the Stage 1 AA Screening Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant RPS Consulting Engineers, ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment of the proposed works (Geophysical Surveys) is not required.

Options Selection Phase of N2 Slane Bypass Scheme (Preliminary Ground Investigation Works)

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in the Stage 1 AA Screening Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant RPS Consulting Engineers, ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment of the proposed works (Preliminary Ground Investigations Works) is not required.

Remedial Works to Bective and Verdons Bridges

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in the Stage 1 AA Screening Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant WS Atkins Consulting Engineers, ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment of the proposed works is not required.

Ground Investigations Works N52 Grange to Clontail Scheme

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in the Stage 1 AA Screening Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant WS Atkins Consulting Engineers, ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment of the proposed works (Ground Investigation works) is not required.

R162 Traffic Calming - Upgrade works through the villages of Kilberry and Wilkinstown

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in the Stage 1 AA Screening Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant RPS Consulting Engineers, ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment of the proposed works (upgrade works) is not required.

Upgrade Works at Kiltale and Batterjohn

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in an Appropriate Assessment  Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant's AECOM Consulting Engineers, ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment for the proposed road safety improvement schemes are not required.

Ground Investigations Works for Phase 3 of the N2 Rath Roundabout to Kilmoon Cross

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in an Appropriate Assessment  Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant's ROD AECOM Consulting Engineers, ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment for the proposed ground investigation works is not required.

Public Lighting Energy Efficiency Project - Eastern Region

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in an Appropriate Assessment  Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant's Arup Consulting Engineers, ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment for the proposed public lighting energy efficiency project is not required.

Proposed Upgrade Works through Batterstown

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in an Appropriate Assessment  Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant's AECOM Consulting Engineers, ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment for the proposed upgrade works are not required.

Proposed N52 Grange to Clontail Scheme

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in an Appropriate Assessment  Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant's Atkins Consulting Engineers, ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment for the proposed scheme is not required.

Proposed upgrade works at Ballynaclose / Lisnagrew – Opposite Saint Gobain

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in an Appropriate Assessment  Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant's RPS Consulting Engineers, ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment for the proposed upgrade works is not required.

Proposed Road Safety Improvement Scheme at Calliaghstown Kells

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in an Appropriate Assessment  Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant's Atkins Consulting Engineers, ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment for the proposed safety improvement scheme is not required.

Proposed Junction Improvement Works – R147 Pace - Blackbull

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in an Appropriate Assessment  Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant's RPS Consulting Engineers, ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment for the junction improvement works is not required.

Proposed Ground Investigation works for Phase 3 of the N2 Slane Bypass

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in an Appropriate Assessment  Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant's RPS Consulting Engineers, ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment for the proposed ground investigation works is not required.

Appropriate Assessment Screening for proposed Batterstown Traffic Calming

The reason for this determination is contained in an Appropriate Assessment  Report produced by Meath County Council’s consultant's WS Atkins Ireland Limited. ie. that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment for the proposed traffic calming works is not required.

Natura Impact Statement - Trim Millenium Pedestrian Replacement Bridge

The reason for this determination is contained in an Natura Impact Statement produced by Meath County Council’s consultant's Fehily Timoney which concluded that the proposed works is not foreseen to give rise to any significant adverse effects on designated European Sites, alone or in combination with other plans or projects.

Appropriate Assessment - Natura Impact Statement - River Boyne Boardwalk Refurbishment

The reason for this determination is further to the recommendation contained in the Natura Impact Statement produced by Meath County Council’s consultant's Roughan O'Donovan ie. that the proposed works would have no adverse effects on the integrity of a European site.