Leaving Certificate Resources Online

Leaving Certificate Resources Online

A collection of websites, apps and other online resources for help with exam revision and study guides for the Leaving Certificate

We've also included a selection of free library resources such as eBooks on how to study and eLearning Courses to improve your memory and concentration.

Free Library Resources for Leaving Certificate

Free eBooks on BorrowBox

There are lots of titles to download free with your library card from BorrowBox.  Sign in with your library card and PIN.  If you're not a member you can join online and borrow some of the books below.  This collection of books will give you some tips on how to study and also how to relieve stress and other pressures at this time.

Free eLearning Courses with Universal Class

Access short online courses with Universal Class.  All you need to get started is your library card. If you are not a member already you can join here and start your eLearning course straight away.  

The following classes all have a certified option where you can take an assessment at the end of each lesson OR you can choose to just watch the Video Lessons from the course.  This is not certified but still covers the main points of the course.

Memory Improvement

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Improving your memory will certainly help improve your exam results.  This course explains how memory works, and covers strategies to improve your memory, such as Peg Memory Systems, The Loci Method, Memorizing Numbers and Mnemonics.  Learn techniques for remembering Faces and Names and other everyday memory aids.


How to Improve Your Concentration

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If you can't concentrate then your study time won't be effective.  This course consists of eleven lessons that explore the process of concentration, factors that affect and enhance concentration, and ways of improving the concentration process.  Delve into the thought process, and how different circumstances can affect one's ability to focus and concentrate effectively. Topics covered include Food for Thought, Exercising your Brain, Sweet Dreams, Concentration Barriers and Helpers.


Reading Comprehension 101

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In this course you will learn the best way to approach a variety of reading materials and how to improve both your comprehension and speed when reading those materials. Whether you already like to read and simply want to sharpen your skills, or you find that you struggle with reading comprehension and speed, this course has something for everyone.

Lessons include: Paragraph Structure, Types of Reading Material, Develop Ability to Anticipate and Predict, Vocabulary, Common Organizational Patterns, Themes, Anticipation, Writing Style, Perspective, Language & Style


How to Write a Short Story          

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Compare and contrast the differences between a short story and a novel.Learn techniques to start a short story, write a catchy first paragraph and to develop characters. The course covers how to choose a point of view and tense and how to properly write dialogue. Define setting, context, and plot. Identify conflict and tension. Build a climax. Demonstrate writing out the resolution.


Essay Writing 101

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Describe the anatomy of an essay. Define the parts of speech. Demonstrate capitalization and punctuation usage. Recognize subject-verb agreement and other writing mishaps. Describe types of essays. Formulate topic and thesis. Define the argument, conduct research and record citations. Outline the essay. Create the introduction. Create the body and conclusion. Revise the essay, and edit.


Other creative writing courses

English Composition 101


Humor Writing


Mystery Writing


Film Appreciation





Studyclix is a website set up by a group of teachers in Ireland to make it easier for students to study and teachers to teach. The website splits all the leaving and junior cert subjects into topics and for each topic we offer all the past exam questions, mock questions, videos, notes and learning tools. It is now Ireland's largest learning website with over 150,000 students and 25,000 teachers using Studyclix.

A free account will get you access to just 2 exam and 2 marking schemes questions by topic. Paying €39.99 upgrades you to a Studyclix PLUS+ account for 12 months, which gives you full access to all the state exams on Studyclix, including access to questions by topic, marking schemes, aural exam preparation tool, exam builder and more as well as being able to print all state exam questions (with marking schemes) on any one topic.


Exam Learn



Examlearn.ie was put together by secondary students for secondary school students. it has quizzes, exam papers, exam topics and over 250 free maths tutorials on YouTube.

A Free account will give you

  • limited access to notes and study advice across all subjects
  • exam paper and marking scheme finder and
  • Exam questions by topic with an exam builder.

A premium account for €39.99 offers you

  • Comprehensive notes for 10 Leaving Cert subjects (Economics, Business, Irish, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Applied Maths, Biology, French and Spanish)
  • 250+ video tutorials for Leaving Cert maths
  • Study advice for all subjects
  • Exam paper and marking scheme finder
  • A-grade past exam answers
  • Exam questions by topic with an exam builder

There is also a one-to-one video grinds service charged by the hour.  You can pick a tutor by subject.  Tutors are often students with H1 results in their own Leaving Certificates. https://grinds.examlearn.ie/






HomeSchool.ie is run by a former teacher Paul Kelly,  and is an online tuition service that offers lessons and teacher support. You can enrol in any subject at any stage of the year and get:

• On demand access to 24 pre-recorded video lessons that cover the entire subject syllabus in one year.
• study manuals and sample answers on each subject topic.
• A weekly homework task at the end of each week’s lesson to reinforce learning and understanding.

The cost per subject is €99 per subject per year – it’s quite a lot cheaper than traditional grinds.  There is a free trial offer so you can try out Higher Level Mathematics

Check out their blog for some general hints and tips at https://grinds.examlearn.ie/blog





This site offers free access to its ebooks for the duration of the school closure.  More importantly it offers free Exam Solutions from past papers, marking schemes and the audio from previous years’ exams.


Jump a Grade




Jumpagrade is an online grinds service where students work with a personal tutor who will allocate homework, based on the students particular needs. Students are assigned a personal worksheet, they can take a photo of completed work to upload to the site and get video feedback from their tutor.

The cost is €35 per subject per week if you pay weekly or €28 per subject per week if you opt to pay monthly.




iRevise.com provides lots of resources across a wide range of subjects for Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate. It offers a mixture of Premium and Basic resources.

COVID-19 OFFER : iRevise are offering one month of premium access to their study material for Junior and Leaving Cert. students, as well as GCSCE/A Level students in the UK.
Offer Code: STUDYCENTRE / STUDYCENTREUK. Go to https://promo.irevise.com/covid-19/

The site has also scheduled a series of online tutorials starting from 27th of April which cost €30 each.

Basic (Free) Account users have access to Multiple Choice Question Quizzes (MCQs) Quick revision notes and Exam creator (May 2020).

Premium account users have access to Revision Notes across all available subjects, H1- & Distinction-Grade Sample Answers & Essays, Exam Papers made for and found exclusively on iRevise.com, Over 1,200 Maths Tutorial Videos. Cost: €59.99 per year or €7.99 per month

There is also an app version which you can download on the Play Store



Revise Wise Guides from Edco Learning

Revise Wise

Go to www.edcolearning.ie and log in with the details below to access the Revise Wise guides for the different subjects.  At the moment the site is giving free access until 31st of May 2020. Each book is a complete course summary, containing top study tips, sample questions and answers. 

Username: lcedobooks  

Password: edco2020




This website has been put together by students who achieved 625 points in their own leaving certs.  They provide study tips, notes and will correct work that you submit.  There is a lot of free content but there is also a charge for some of the premium stuff.


Leaving Cert Irish


This site is offering FREE Live lessons every day at 12 noon. The videos are available on their YouTube channel and if you subscribe you can get notifications of new H1 standard tutorials. There is a premium option for €50 to unlock all content.

You can also download the app on Google Play


The Maths Tutor

The MathsTutor.ie is a video-based website and helps simplify complex maths challenges at Junior and Leaving Cert level.


LC Geography


Ger tips on Geography from students in Presentation College Wexford.


Leaving Cert Biology

Leavingcertbiology.net has plenty of notes on the 3 units of study in biology.  You can read the notes on the site or there is a small charge of €0.75 for a pdf version of each set of notes. 



Directory of Free Resources

Shane Hastings is a Third year university student studying Business Information Systems in NUI Galway. He has compiled a very comprehensive list of resources that have been made available during the Covid-19 restrictions. Find it at https://covid19.shanehastings.eu/giveback/#education



Protutor are making a free course in LC Accounting.  You can enrol in the free course, which includes a small sample of the notes, online tutorials and webinars available in the paid version of the course. If you like what you see you can proceed to the paid options: a premium course for €55 or a VIP course for €125. Visit their website for details.


Spark Notes

Over 500 study guides specialising in English but also covering other subjects.  And they’ve also released video notes  while schools are closed – check out the YouTube link below.




Dublin Academy


The Dublin Academy is offering online courses for 6th years running up until July 1st. Prices start at €295 per subject and if you buy one you get one free.  There are discounted rates if you opt to buy more subjects. If you sign up you will get

  • 6 hours & 15 minutes of videos lessons
  • Up to 2+ hours of bonus video lessons
  • 2-hour live workshops which allow students to ask questions. 
  • an average of 300+ pages of our H1 study notes per course delivered to your home


 Sample online lesson with Dublin Academy https://youtu.be/jdybU7CZcWg


Exam Study Plus 

Exam Study Plus teaches you how to study effectively. The 5 Step Learning Ladder is specifically designed for students who are preparing for exams. The focus is on how to improve your learning. It aims to give students a step by step system to improve retention skills and exam results. The package on offer at €29 and includes full access to over 30 videos and  members only webinars which give information on exercise, nutrition and information on how to deal with leisure time whilst also keeping up with study. You will also have access to a private Facebook mentoring group where you can interact with other course users.



MyStudyPal.app provides you with a personalised study timetable based on your upcoming tests and exams, ensuring you cover all the topics for each of your subjects well before the exam date.  Social plans can be added to the calendar too. The site is free until October 2020.


The Khan Academy

KhanAcademy.org produces short educational YouTube videos. It is used to provide or supplement education to people of all ages across the world; it’s also very popular with teachers in the classroom.

There is also a free app that you can download on the Play Store



Alison.com was founded in Galway in 2007 and has grown to become a major force in free online education and skills training. It now has more than 14 million learners in 195 countries.


Dublin Institute of Education

The Institute of Education have made available lots of free study notes.



Exam Material Archive


Access all of the past papers and marking schemes going as far back as 1993.


Marino Institute of Education

Leaving Cert Irish Preparation – watch some videos to help with your Irish.



Mental Health Resources



Time Mangement




Pocket Papers App

Pocket Papers is a free study aid for students.  It provides quick access to the State Examinations materials that are available online. Download the app on Google Play and on the App Store

Features include 

Contents - exam papers, marking schemes and aural sound files for over 40 Leaving Certificate and 25 Junior Certificate subjects.

Navigation - seamlessly flick back and forth between the paper, the marking scheme and any hand outs provided without losing your place.

Audio Player - listen to the actual leaving cert aural exams from the app and easily rewind if you missed the answer.

Log Book - don't worry about forgetting a formula, all of the formulae and tables that are provided in the exams are included.

Subjects - select your subjects and group them together for quick access.

Levels - it remembers each of your subject's levels so it automatically displays the correct content.

Autosave - download files once and automatically save them for offline viewing.

File Management - view file sizes and easily delete individual files, all files associated with a subject or all of your saved files with a single tap.

Points Calculator - can't remember how many points a B2 is worth or what grade 65% is? No worries, simply use the points calculator provided and let it do the hard work for you!

Auto Update - Sync the app in the settings tab and the new material will become available. 




Quizlet gives you tools to practice and master what you’re learning. You can create your own flashcards and study sets or choose from millions created by other students — it’s up to you. It's free but there is a Plus version that's charged for and offers premium content. You can download the app on Google Play and on the App Store

Get test-day ready with Learn. “Learn” repeats things you get wrong and focuses on what you need to learn, so you can get everything faster. Put your memory to the test with Write or race against the clock in a game of Match


Irish Grammar

irish grammar




Download this app from the PlayStore for €3.95. You can learn grammar rules section by section and then test yourself at the end. Its interactive element gives you immediate feedback. At the end of each quiz you get a summary and explanation of the answers. The timing aspect of the quizzes allows you to feel time pressure as they would in a real exam.
It has over 1000 grammar exercises.  Each grammar topic is split up into its own section, where it is explained. You can study the grammar rules by each tense or topic with grammar exercises at the end of each section, with an ULTIMATE QUIZ of 50 questions at the end.

Leaving Cert Biology

 Interactive, multiple choice question quiz app with -470+ Questions covering the higher level leaving cert biology course based off the latest syllabus.  -16 Sections of the leaving cert biology course to chose from-Made by A1 achieving biology students. Available from Google Play

Leaving Cert Biology 2020

Questions and Answers, Higher Level Flash Card Notes and 10 years of past paper facts in your pocket. This app is based on what you need to know for the leaving cert biology higher level. It contains 825+ Questions that you should know for the Leaving Cert Biology exam. The Flash card design helps you test yourself on the go anytime, anywhere. Download for €2.49 from the Play Store

Spanish Leaving Cert

spanish leaving cert

This is a 5 star rated app with tips, materials and suggested answers for every part of the exam: Oral, Aural and Written part, for both Ordinary and Higher Levels.

Download from the Play Store




The Leaving Cert Survival Guide (2019)

FM104 teamed up with the Dublin Institute of Education to deliver a crash course in all the useful information you need to make the exams that bit easier.  Although it’s from last year most of the advice is still relevant.   You’ll find the podcast on Acast 

Topics covered are:

French & Overcoming A Disappointment

Home-Ec Made Easy

Maths Paper 2 & Attempt, Attempt, Attmept !

Biology & Structuring The Right Answer For The Right Paper

Irish Paper 2

Geography & Why Goals Lead To Success

English Paper 2 & The Right Burst Of Energy

Maths Paper 1 & How To Manage Unrealistic Expectations

History & Balancing Your Lifestyle

Irish Paper 1 & Breaking Down Brain Foods

English Paper 1 & Confronting Your Stress


Studyclix Podcast

Covers lots of topics including study tips, exam stress, subject tips and more.



Edco Podcasts

10 minute podcasts with advice on how to approach exams including tips on timing, marking schemes, and information on the different sections of the exams.




Revise Wise have some good general tips for study in their blog and a guide on running a Virtual Study Group