One of the above is required if you are involved in a waste activity depending on the nature of your business as outlined in the Third Schedule of the WM (Waste Facility and Registration) Regulations. A list of Waste Codes can be found on 2019--FULL-template.pdf ( and if you have any queries on the type of authorisation required an Article 11 can be made through EDEN to the EPA, General Article 11 Questions | Environmental Protection Agency (
Waste Management Licences are issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) while Waste Facility Permits and Certificate of Registrations are granted by Local Authorities for privately-operated waste facilities.
Who needs a waste licence | Environmental Protection Agency (
Waste Management Permits and Certificates of Registration are governed by the Waste Management (Facility Permit and Registration) Regulations 2007 as amended.
Examples of activities which require Waste Management Facility Permits or Certificate of Registration (Third Schedule of the WM (Facility Permit and Registration) Regulations include:
- Land reclamation
- Sludge storage
- Small scale non hazardous transfer stations
- Car dismantling/depollution
- End of Life Vehicle Storage
- Composting sites
- Storage and processing of construction and demolition waste
- Recycling of vegetable and cooking oils.
An up to date list of Waste Facility Permits and Certificate of Registrations granted by Meath County Council can be found on the webpage:
National Waste Collection Permit Office Home (
A Waste Management Permit or Certificate of Registration is granted for a period of up to 5 years, in line with Planning Permission granted.
Annual Returns are made to the National Waste Collection Permit Office. If you have a query on the submission of your Annual Return please contact the NWCPO at
Application for a Waste Facility Permit - Class 5, 6 and 7 - €2,000. All other activities €1,000.
Application for Certificate of Registration - Classes 5, 6, 7 and 10 - €600. All other activities €300.
Meath County Council charge monitoring fees which are invoiced annually and updated in accordance with the Consumer Price Index.
The applicant must also submit a Bond, the amount of which will be specified in the conditions of the Waste Permit. The Bond is refundable when the permit expires and if all closure and remedial works have been carried out to the satisfaction of Meath County Council.
Pre-Application Meetings
Pre-Application Clinics are held on Thursday from 2pm to 5pm, however prior booking is essential.
If you wish to attend this clinic, please contact the Environment & Water Services Section at 046/9097200 or email
Apply for a Waste Facility Permit
Application Forms and Guidance
Article 11 Form - Waste Management Permit (MSWORD, 226.82 kb)
Guidance Notes on Submission of Drawings and Maps - Meath County Council (MSWORD, 271.87 kb)