
An environmental project concerned with the installation of slipways on waterways in Meath

By order dated 26th November 2018 An Bord Pleanala have granted approval subject to 6 conditions to Meath County Council to construct 5 number Boat Slipways on the River Boyne at Manorlands (1st Division), Trim and at Athlumney,    Balreask Old and Ardmulchan , Navan and on the River Blackwater at Abbeylands, Navan, Co Meath and for the construction of access to these slipways from adjacent roads.

Progression of the planning stage of the project including the preparation of a  Natura Impact Statement  presented challenges having regard to the special SAC designations which apply to both the River Boyne and Blackwater.



The Boat Slipways will be used principally by the emergency services to launch boats to attend emergencies along sections of these rivers. The construction of the Slipways is considered an essential requirement to expedite response times in dealing with emergencies and also to provide a safe place of access for all personnel launching boats onto the rivers.

The Councils Consultants are now progressing  with a detailed design of the facilities at each location and preparation of the necessary contractor tender documentation.