Climate Action - What Can I Do?
What you can do about Climate Change
Individuals, Communities & Businesses can all collectively make a big difference, to ourselves, to our pockets, and to the environment. By taking individual responsibility and changing our behaviour in small ways every day, we’ll help save energy while we save money too.

Green for Micro is a FREE programme that helps small businesses take the first step towards becoming more sustainable, giving you access to a green consultant who’ll show you the small changes that can have a big impact on your company - and the world around you.
There are many benefits to a Business developing a ‘greener’ policy, including:
• Increased cost savings
• Improved resource efficiency (for example: using less energy, water, and materials)
• Reduced environmental footprint and greenhouse gas emissions
• Opportunities for higher and additional value on products and services
• Increased access to customers, improved corporate image and reputation.
• Increased resilience to climate change impacts
To see if your business is eligible for this support visit or contact Meath Local Enterprise Office

The Home Energy Saving Kit is the ultimate toolkit that helps you save energy at home.
With 5 easy-to-use tools and 6 practical exercises, this kit allows you to get a better understanding of the energy usage in your home, problem areas that may need your attention and ways to improve energy efficiency.
Did you know by implementing easy energy saving measures, you could reduce your energy bill by up to 20% while improving the comfort of your home and helping contribute to a better environment at the same time. It’s a no brainer.
The Home Energy Saving Kit is available to borrow from all Meath Libraries. You can borrow it for 3 weeks at a time and have the option to renew the loan if nobody else is waiting. To borrow a kit please contact your local Meath library.

We are aware that there are many groups and individuals around the county who would like to contribute to their local community.
The scheme invites individuals/groups to choose approximately a kilometre (or longer) stretch of road/loop in their area- preferably a quiet, local road in terms of safety. The group or individual would then commit to maintaining the chosen stretch over the course of the year.
Incentives of some native trees, litter pickers, bags and gloves are on offer for all participating individuals/groups. Most importantly the scheme is an opportunity for you or your community to work together on a project which benefits everybody.
Please fill out the Green Kilometre Participation Form available at the link below and return it to us at if you are planning to take part, or by post to Environment Section, Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Rd, Navan, Co Meath.

Want to take action to help the ecosystem in your area but not sure how?
Here are some things you can do this summer to promote biodiversity:
- Cut your grass on a 6-week rotation. Cutting less often allows wildflowers to grow and provides important food for insects, especially pollinators like bees.
- Use mineral sun cream. Most sun creams contain chemical UV filters that often cause allergies. When they end up in the sea, lakes and rivers, they can disrupt the hormonal balance of animals and are partially responsible for coral bleaching.
- Limit outdoor lighting at night. Artificial light can disturb many species – for example nocturnal animals can have difficulty seeing obstacles, prey and predators.
- Organise a neighbourhood clean-up. By getting together and cleaning up rubbish, you will limit the pollution of ecosystems.
- Plant pollinator-friendly flowers, plants, scrubs and trees.

Why Join a Sustainable Energy Community? You can take action to ensure your community does its bit for Climate Action by joining the SEAIs Sustainable Energy Communities Programme. The SEC programme helps communities become energy smart and more sustainable.
Grant aid is available to insulate buildings and improve lighting and heating systems, incorporating renewable energy in the form of solar panels/heat pumps and adopting smart technologies such as smart controls, and more.

Businesses Start your Zero Carbon Journey Today. The Climate Toolkit 4 Business helps SMEs get started on their carbon-reduction journey. It provides your business with all the information you need in a single accessible source.
The toolkit will help your business assess and reduce the energy, materials, travel, and water it uses, which contributes to our carbon footprint.