Grant aid is available to insulate buildings and improve lighting and heating systems, incorporating renewable energy in the form of solar panels/heat pumps and adopting smart technologies such as smart controls, and more.
Who’s Included
An SEC can include individual households, sports clubs, community centres, local businesses and churches.
The programme is run by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, KSN Energy is a coordinator for our region. Meath County Council are in partnership with the SEAI on the programme. Meath County Council cover the cost of a consultant who will draw up a Energy Management Plan for your community. Meath County Council recoup this money from the SEAI on completion of the Energy Management Plan.
How do you join the Meath Network?
Contact County Meath’s SEAI Local Mentor's Philip McCormack and Jim Kenehan . They will provide guidance, assist with the application process and explain what’s available through the SEC programme.
There are a total of 30 active Sustainable Energy Communities within County Meath. Over 4,000 properties have been upgraded through Sustainable Energy Communities.
How it works
There are 3 stages:
Attend events, get in touch with other communities. Learn about available technologies and solutions.
With your mentor apply for funding to carry out an Energy Management Plan for your community, Funding is avail of between €10000 and €25000.The EMP will identify opportunities for energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Begin to implement energy projects in your homes and businesses. All of this will be with Philip McCormack and Jim Kenehan's support.
Grants available
Find out about SEC grants available.
For more information on SEC's in Meath and examples of Energy Master Plans please see Sustainable Energy Communities |
Benefits of joining
• Lower energy bills
• Make homes and local buildings more comfortable and energy efficient
• Boost local employment
• Building energy knowledge within the community
• Making your community a leader in sustainable energy
• Share experience with other communities all around the country
• Attend local and national SEC events
• Assigned experienced mentor to help you move through the programme
• Positively contribute to climate action at a local level
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