
You may be able to claim a refund of Motor Taxation in certain limited circumstances

These include:

  • Vehicle stolen and not recovered
  • End of Life Vehicle
  • Vehicle Exported
  • Vehicle not used in a public place at any time since the issue of the vehicle licence
  • Vehicle not used due to owners illness
  • Vehicle unused because the registered owner was absent from the State for business / educational purposes or overseas service with the Defence Forces

What documents do I need to submit to my local motor taxation office to apply for a refund?

  • Form RF120 – available at 
  • Vehicle Licence*
  • Vehicle Registration Certificate*

*If destroyed, lost or submitted to your insurance company Form RF134, available at should also be submitted.


Supporting Documentation required if:

End of Life Vehicle

Certificate of Destruction

Vehicle Stolen and not recovered

Incident Report from An Garda Síochána

Written confirmation from your insurance company detailing the theft and confirming settlement of the claim.

Vehicle Exported

Written confirmation from Customs or new Registration Authority regarding the exportation of the vehicle / registration of the vehicle in new jurisdiction. The correspondence should include the registration number, chassis number and date of export of the vehicle.

Vehicle not used in a public place since issue of tax disc

Written confirmation from your insurance company detailing the removal of insurance cover from your vehicle for the period of non-use. Please note that refunds will not be approved if you have not removed the insurance cover for the vehicle, for the period of non - use, and if you are unable to provide written confirmation from your insurance company detailing the removal of insurance cover from your vehicle for the period of non-use.

Letter confirming the circumstances of non use. 

Vehicle not used due to registered owners illness or injury

Written confirmation from a Doctor / Consultant confirming your medical incapacity from driving a vehicle. The relevant period of incapacity from driving should also be stated.

Vehicle not used due to absence from the State

Written confirmation from an educational body, business or other suitable evidence confirming the relevant period of absence from the State


In all cases the motor taxation office in its absolute discretion may require additional information in relation to an application for a refund of motor taxation

Please note that at the time of making an application for a refund of motor taxation your vehicle licence (tax disc) should have not less than three months before the expiry of the vehicle licence (tax disc)

Form RF120 – Application for a refund of Motor Taxation can be found at

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