Before you Apply for planning Permission

The planning process can be complex, particularly if you are unfamiliar with it. Pre-planning discussions give applicants an opportunity to seek advice on their proposed development. 

If you or your architect wants to speak to a planner before making a planning application you can request a pre-planning consultation.

How to Request a Pre-Planning Consultation

To request a pre-planning consultation, send the following documentation to us:

  • Pre – planning consultation request (form provided below)
  • Site location map as per OSI scaled 1:2500, with site outlined in red
  • Your legal interest in the site. If you are not the owner a letter of consent from the owner of the lands is required
  • Local Needs Form (provided below) is required if the pre-planning application is for a one-off rural dwelling All documentation must be emailed to or submitted to our Planning Department, Buvinda House, Navan before a discussion can be arranged.

Pre-Planning consultations are generally held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday in the month by telephone or online via MS Teams. A tailored, level-based approach is used with larger or more complex developments which may require a meeting at the Planning Offices.

A record in writing of consultations that relate to a proposed development is kept by the Planning Authority. This record will become part of a pre-planning file and will be incorporated into the full planning file, if an application is subsequently made.

An applicant proposing a development which:

(a) consists of or includes either or both residential development of more than 10 housing units or non-residential development of more than 1,000 square metres gross floor space or

(b) consists of or includes the development of student accommodation that includes 200 or more bed spaces,must seek a pre planning consultation with the Planning Authority.

Any advice given is based solely on information supplied during the pre-planning consultation. In accordance with Section 247(3) of the Planning and Development Act 2000-2023, the carrying out of pre planning consultations shall not prejudice the performance by a planning authority of any other of its functions under the Planning and Development Act 2000-2023, or any regulations made under the Act and cannot be relied upon in the formal planning process or in legal proceedings.


Pre planning consultation request form
Local Needs Application Form
How we handle personal information