Relaxation / Dispensation of Planning Requirements

Section 4 (1) of the Building Control Act, 1990 permits a Building Control Authority to grant a Relaxation / Dispensation of, any requirement of building regulations in respect of buildings or works which are situated within the functional area of the building control authority i.e. protected structures and high intensity use.

How to apply

You can apply online at


When should I apply for my Relaxation/Dispensation?

It is best practice to apply for your Relaxation/Dispensation early in the design process and before any application is made for a Disability Access Certificate application or Fire Safety Certificate application. 


How long will a Relaxation/Dispensation take?

It can take up to 8 weeks for a decision to be made on a Relaxation/Dispensation, or may take longer if it’s agreed with the applicant and the Building Control Authority.


What is the fee required for a Relaxation/Dispensation?

The cost is €125 dwelling and €250 for any other building


Can the decision of the Building Control Authority be appealed?

Yes, the decision can be appealed to An Bórd Pleanála. The decision must be appealed within 28 days of the decision of the Building Control Authority.

For more information contact the Planning Department