Public Lighting

Report faulty street lights

Report a Fault

To report faults contact our customer service team directly.

Please include the following information when reporting a fault:

Light pole identification number position
  • the identification number on the pole (see image for how to find this number) 
  • the town or village and the street name
  • the location of the light (for example, outside house number 3)
  • the nature of the fault or damage, for example the public light is off or the door is missing from the lamppost
  • your name and contact number

It is essential to have the pole number (see image for how to find this number) when reporting the fault so that the repair crew can easily identify the correct pole on the network.

We endeavour to repair normal lighting faults within 10 working days. However, if there is a fault with the underground power cable, we have to refer this to the ESB. This means that the repair can take longer.