Group Schemes

Group schemes are formed when two or more households that are not connected to mains water or sewer supplies come together to provide their own shared supply.

The group elects trustees to act on behalf of its members in all dealings with the local authority.

Under the Rural Water Programme Meath County Council has responsibility for the development of water and sewer services in rural areas. This includes providing financial assistance to support the operation of group schemes. 

Setting up a Group Scheme

To find out more about how to establish a group scheme contact our customer services team.

The National Federation of Group Water Schemes (NFGWS).

The National Federation of Group Water Schemes is the representative organisation for community-owned rural water services in Ireland.

Address: 24 Old Cross Square, Monaghan
Tel +353 (0)47 72766
Fax +353 (0)47 72788.

Operational Subsidy

An operational subsidy is available, subject to criteria, to help cover the general operational and management costs of group water schemes at the following rate:

  • up to €115 for each house supplied from a local authority source
  • up to €231 for each house supplied from a private source
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