Housing Assistance Payment - Information for Landlords

The Housing Assistance Payment is a form of social housing support available to those with a long term housing need, including many long-term Rent Supplement recipients.

Under HAP Meath County Council makes full rent payment on behalf of HAP recipients directly to their landlord. The HAP recipient will then pay a rent contribution to Meath County Council. The rent contribution paid by tenants is based on their income and ability to pay.

Current rent supplement recipients who qualify for social housing support will be transferred from rent supplement to HAP on a phased basis.

HAP will eventually replace long term rent supplement which is currently administered by Social Welfare, allowing all social housing supports to be managed by Local Authorities. 

Benefits for Landlords

  • Direct payment – you will be paid directly from the local authority, generally on a monthly basis.
  • Low administration – you don’t need to make time to collect rent or make repeated requests for payment from the tenant.
  • Easy banking – all payments are made electronically.

How it Works

An applicant who is eligible for HAP finds a suitable property in the private rental sector.

As part of their application process, you, the landlord of the property, will have to send certain information to the local authority.

This information will include:

  • The amount of the monthly rent
  • Proof of ownership/entitlement to act as landlord of the property
  • Your bank account payment details
  • An undertaking regarding the property’s compliance with standards for rental accommodation
  • An undertaking regarding your tax compliance

If the application is approved, the local authority will start making HAP payments for the agreed rent directly into your bank account subject to the scheme’s conditions.

Requirements to Participate

  • Landlords must be tax compliant (tax clearance certificates must be renewed annually and contracts will be produced in the name that appears on the cert)
  • The property must meet minimum standards for private rental accommodation, as determined by Meath County Council
  • The landlord must register the tenancy with the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB)

Please note that:

  • It is the Tenant's responsibility to pay the deposit for the property
  • The HAP recipient will be your tenant and not a tenant of the Local Authority

Further information is available on the Housing Assistance Payment Scheme website