Object to or Support a Planning Application

How to submit support for or object to an application that has been made

Who can comment on a Planning Application?

Anybody other than the applicant can object to or comment on a planning application.


How to comment on a Planning Application

Submissions/Observations must be made in writing to Meath County Council and must contain your name, address and the planning reference number of the application you wish to comment on.

A submission/observation may be made in the following formats:

The following conditions also apply:

  • A Fee of €20 must accompany the submission (with the exception of Part 8 applications where no fee applies)
  • You can only object or comment on planning and development issues. Any issues that do not meet the guidelines will not be considered. The planning authority may only consider objections relating to planning issues and not those based on personal dislikes, grievances or opinions.
  • You must object/comment within 5 weeks of the application registered date, day one being the date the application is received and registered. 
  • The planning process is an open and public one. In that context all submissions or observations are a matter of public record and may also be placed on the Council’s website.
  • You cannot make additions to your submission/ observation after the statutory period has passed


Submissions or Observations with regard to Further Information or Revised Plans

Where the planning authority receives further information which contains significant additional data, then a submission or observation in relation to the further information or revised plans may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of €20 (if you had previously made a valid submission there will be no fee due), not later than 2 weeks after the receipt of the newspaper notice and site notice by the planning authority.

In the case of a planning application accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement, it is possible to make a submission or observation within 5 weeks of receipt of such notices by the planning authority.


Observations/ Submissions Guidance

The planning process is an open and public one. In that context, persons making submissions/observations should be aware their name and details are placed on a public file with all the other documents submitted.

Any person making a submission/observation on a planning application should be aware that comments involving allegations of any kind against a named or otherwise identifiable person or organisation may be viewed as defamatory by the subject of the comments.

Persons may be sued directly for any defamatory allegations in any submission/observation and should avoid making such allegations. Any submission/observation made to the Planning Authority is made available for public inspection both in the hard copy file and on the Council's website. In the event of any potentially defamatory allegation giving rise to legal action against it, the Planning Authority may seek indemnity from the person making the allegation.

Observations/ Submissions should mindful of the following guidelines;

  • be factual;
  • not be malicious or offensive in nature, and should not constitute a personal attack on a person’s character; 
  • not include swearing, hate-speech or obscenity;
  • not publicly reveal personal details, such as private addresses, phone numbers or email addresses;
  • not break the law. This includes libel, condoning illegal activity, and breaking copyright;
  • not impersonate or falsely claim to represent a person or organisation;
  • not incite hatred on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality or sexuality or other personal characteristic;

Meath County Council make every effort to redact any comments that do not adhere to the above guidelines or brought to our attention.


Withdrawing a Submission

There is currently no mechanism in the regulations for the withdrawal of a submission/observation. You may however, make a further addition to your submission advising the planning authority to disregard your original submission, this must be within the statutory submission period, be in person at the public planning counter in Buvinda House, Navan and you must show photo ID.  Both letters will then remain on the file.

If you have any queries contact:

Planning Department
Meath County Council
Buvinda House
Dublin Road
Co Meath

Telephone: 046-9097500

Email:  planning@meathcoco.ie

How we handle personal information