Mobility Aids and Housing Adaptations for Local Authority Tenants

The Local Authority Adaptation Works Scheme (L.A.A.W.S.) is available to assist Local Authority Tenants to address mobility problems, primarily, but not exclusively, associated with ageing.

Who Can Apply

This scheme is also available for  works which are reasonably necessary for making a house more suitable for a person who has an enduring physical, sensory, mental health or intellectual impairment.

How to Apply

To apply download and complete the Local Authority Adaptation Works Scheme application form available at the bottom of this page and return it to:

Housing Department
Meath County Council
Buvinda House
Dublin Road
Co Meath 
C15 Y291

Please note, the medical certificate which is part of the application form must be completed by a doctor or consultant and is a mandatory part of the application procedure.

Works Covered by this Scheme

The types of works available under the scheme include:

  • Grab-rails
  • Access ramps
  • Level access showers
  • Stair-lifts
  • Adaptations to facilitate wheelchair access
  • Other works which are reasonably necessary for making a house more suitable for a person with a disability or to facilitate the mobility needs of a member of a household.

Please note that requests for replacement windows, doors and / or insulation works are not processed under the Local Authority Adaptation Works Scheme. Such requests are dealt with under the appropriate Maintenance Programme and / or Energy Upgrade Programme. For more on these please contact Customer Service.

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