Housing Adaptation Grant

The Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability is available for works which are reasonably necessary to make a house more suitable a person with a disability who has an enduring physical, sensory, mental health or intellectual impairment.

What type of home is this grant for?

Your home can qualify for this grant if it is any of the following

  • privately owned (you or your family own it)
  • rented from a landlord with a current tenancy agreement registered with the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) and you have the landlord’s permission to make the changes
  • provided by an Approved Housing Body (a list of these can be found at www.ahbregulator.ie)
  • a communal residence – accommodation where people live together in group homes with support.

What can I use this grant for? 

You can use this grant to improve access in your home like adding:

  • A ramp or other ways to access your home; 
  • Grab rails; 
  • Bathroom facilities like an accessible shower or a downstairs toilet; 
  • A stair lift or through floor lift; 
  • Fixed track hoists (excluding any servicing, maintenance and training costs); 
  • Space for wheelchair access; 
  • An extension (typically for a bedroom and/or bathroom to accommodate a disabled person)

How to Apply

To apply for the Housing Adaptation Grant download and complete the application form below and return to:
Housing Grants Department
Meath County Council
Buvinda House
Dublin Road
County Meath
C15 Y291

Please note: No Grant will be awarded if works have commenced prior to an application being lodged and approved by Meath County Council.

Application Assistance

If you are 65 years of age and over and require support in making a Housing Adaptation Grant application, you can avail of the free services of our Healthy Age Friendly Homes Coordinator. The Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme aims to support older people to live in their own home with dignity and independence, for as long as possible. 

For more information on this service please contact Age Friendly Ireland | Meath County Council at the National Office: 046 924 8899  https://agefriendlyireland.ie/healthy-age-friendly-homes-programme/