Regional Assembly

Meath is part of the Eastern and Midlands Region, one of three planning regions that were created in 2015. In each region there is a Regional Assembly, with the  Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly comprising 38 Councillors nominated by the 12 constituent local authorities within the region.

Meath County Council nominates three members to the Regional Assembly.


The current Meath members are:

Cllr. Brian Fitzgerald

Cllr. Maria Murphy

Cllr. Tommy Reilly


The main roles of the Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly are to

  • Prepare, adopt and implement a Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) for the region.
  • Ensure consistency with RSES in relation to the Local Economic and Community Plans of the 12 constituent Local Authorities.
  • Support implementation of EU operational programmes and co-ordinate certain EU projects.


Further information on the Eastern and Midlands Regional Assembly: