Capital Programme

The Capital Programme sets out the proposed major infrastructural projects to be undertaken over a 3 year rolling programme. 

Capital funding is used to provide infrastructural projects in Meath under the headings of:

  • Housing and Building;
  • Road Transportation and Safety;
  • Development Incentives and Controls;
  • Environmental Services,
  • Recreation and Amenity; and
  • Miscellaneous Services.

The Capital Programme 2024-2027 has an estimated capital spend of €1.4 billion.


The projects set out in the programme are prioritised on the basis of the following:

  • Priority to capital work on Council assets.
  • Priority will be given to projects of strategic importance to Meath.
  • Emphasis on projects where external funding sources can be leveraged.
  • Focus on projects giving rise to job creation.

Projects will only be allowed to commence once a business case has been made and funding has been identified. Sources of funding for the Capital Budget are: Exchequer funding/grants; Loans; Development levies; and the Council’s own resources.