Accessibility Statement

Meath County Council's aim is that people with disabilities have access to the same standard of services as all customers. 

Website Accessibility

We are committed to making this website accessible, in accordance with European Union (Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Sector Bodies) Regulations 2020, and to making our content available to the widest possible audience, including those who use assistive technologies. This site has been developed to conform to World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Level "Double-A" satisfying Priority 1 and 2 checkpoints.  

Measures to Support Website Accessibility

We take the following accessibility measures:

  • Include accessibility throughout our internal policies
  • Provide continual accessibility training for our staff
  • Assign clear accessibility targets and responsibilities
  • Utilize 3rd party tools and assessments to ensure conformance

How to Report Accessibility Issues

We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems please contact us by emailing

Website - Alternative Formats

If you would like to request any document in an alternative format, please contact

Website - Accessibility Tips

  • To enlarge text size:
    • in Internet Explorer select View > Text Size > Larger/Largest
    • in Chrome select Ctrl +
  • To view the website using your own stylesheet, in Internet Explorer 5+, go to Tools, Internet Options, Accessibility, select Format documents using my stylesheet, Browse for your stylesheet, select Open, select OK
  • To go to the content of a section and skip navigation, press Alt+2 then press Return

Irish Sign Language

If you would like us to organise a sign language interpreter while dealing with Meath County Council, please contact the Access Officer, details below.

Access Officer               

If you have any queries relating to the accessibility of our services or the information we provide you can contact our Access Officer using the details below:  

Access Officer
Buvinda House
Dublin Road
County Meath
C15 Y291

Tel:  046-9097000
Fax: 046-9097001

Email: to



The Council is required, under the Disability Act, 2005 to appoint an Inquiry Officer with responsibility to deal with complaints received in relation to Sections 25 to 29 of the Act.

Section 25 Access to Public Buildings

Section 26 Access to Services

Section 27 Accessibility of Services supplied to a public body

Section 28 Access to Information

Section 29 Access to Heritage Sites


The Inquiry Officer for complaints under the Disability Act is the Customer Complaints Officer who can be contacted at or 046-9097000. The Inquiry Officer investigates such complaints and provides a written report to both the Council and the person making the complaint. Complaints under the Disability Act may be made using the Customer Complaints Procedure. Complaints may be made by the person themselves or, where applicable by a spouse, a parent or a relative of a person, a guardian of that person or a person acting in loco parentis to that person, a legal representative of that person.