Risk Management

Our approach to assessing and managing risk to support the strategic and operational decision-making process.

Risk management is an integral part of policy, planning and operational management of the Council and is embedded in our management arrangements and processes.

The Council works within the Governance Framework developed by the City and County Management Association (CCMA), the Association of Irish Local Government (AILG) in conjunction with the Institute of Public Administration (IPA).

We have a detailed Risk Management Policy, within which all staff have a role. Our Management Team has oversight and supervisory responsibility and a ‘three lines of defense’ model is implemented within this risk framework. This provides for a clear allocation of responsibilities for ownership and management of risk as follows:

  • The Departments, comprising key operations and support functions, are responsible for execution of risk management.
  • Risk Management and Compliance performs the check-and-challenge role for the Council primarily via the Risk Committee and, where appropriate, the Audit Committee. Internal Audit, provides independent assurance on the effectiveness of our business unit control and risk management systems.
  • The Management Team has oversight and supervisory responsibility, including that the Policy and Framework is fit for purpose and that adherence is observed, and is responsible for ensuring that the Risk Framework is executed.