Child Safeguarding

Meath County Council is committed to a child-centred approach to our work with children in the delivery of all our services and activities.

The Council has an overall corporate duty and responsibility to safeguard the children accessing the Council's services and activities.

Meath County Council adheres to the Children First Act, 2015 and the Children First National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017 by implementing procedures covering:

  • Appropriate recruitment and selection of employees and volunteers;
  • Appropriate vetting procedures for all relevant employees and volunteers;
  • Appropriate management, supervision and training of employees, volunteers and work placement students;
  • Reporting and recording of concerns, incidents, accidents and complaints that come to the attention of the County Council;
  • Reporting and recording of concerns, incidents, accidents and complaints made against the Council, County Council employees/volunteers, any individuals taking undertaking work
  • experience or internships within the Council;
  • The reporting of suspected or disclosed abuse confidentially;
  • Circulation of information as considered necessary to employees, volunteers, parents/guardians and users of County Council services.

The Council’s Designated Child Protection Liaison Officer is: Mr. Brian Hora, email: