Career Options

From accountants to firefighters, librarians to technicians Meath County Council offers a wide range of career choices

Our employees come from a wide range of professional backgrounds with diverse skill sets, qualifications and experience.

Staff are encouraged to expand their existing skill-sets by attending training programmes or gaining extra qualifications. Many roles offer staff flexible working hours and where possible we try to facilitate part-time working to take into account the different circumstances of employees. 

Job vacancies are advertised on our website and information on some of the varied roles can be found below.

Administrative Staff

Many of the Council’s public services are delivered by staff in administrative roles. We encourage staff to progress from the grade of Clerical Officer (Grade III) to middle management roles such as Senior Staff Officer (Grade VI) and Administrative Officer (Grade VII). Through the Public Appointment Service the Council also recruit for senior management roles such as Senior Executive Officer (Grade VIII) or Director of Service.


As engineers are responsible for major operational and infrastructure programmes there are lots of opportunities for engineers to work and build significant experience in the Council. Roles can include work in a regional design office, under the auspice of Transport Infrastructure Ireland; work on site during major infrastructural projects and professional oversight and management of areas such as housing and environment. Engineers can progress from the grade of Graduate Engineer to Assistant Engineer, through to Executive Engineer, Senior Executive Engineer and Senior Engineer.


Technicians are assigned in a number of areas such as civil engineering, architectural and construction studies, building surveying and property management.  Roles can include the preparation of drawings, specifications and tender documents and the analysis and assessment of tenders and recommendation reports.  Technicians also have a role in the supervision of contractors engaged by the Council in a number of Directorates.


We employ planners who, in partnership with key stakeholders and the citizens of Meath, manage Meath’s evolution and its physical, economic, social and cultural development. Planners work to ensure that high quality development adds value not only in terms of commercial viability but also for meeting environmental standards and community needs. Planners are employed in grades from Graduate Planner up to Senior Executive Planner.

Information Technology

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is a key enabler of Local Government service delivery and plays an increasingly important role in the ongoing development of Meath County Council as a public service provider.

The Information Systems (I.S.) Department delivers ICT to Meath County Council providing services under the  key areas of;

  • IT Technical Operations
  • Business Systems
  • Process Improvement & Innovation
  • Information Management.

The Department focus is to ensure that all necessary tools, processes and systems are in place to meet the requirements of the business and contribute to the achievement of the organisation’s short and long-term goals.

Services include:

  • Provide a secure and stable communications and network infrastructure for the organisation;
  • Provide Helpdesk and Technical support to MCC Staff and Elected Members;
  • Manage and support enterprise systems and business applications;
  • Provide ICT research on new technologies and advise on projects with an ICT element;
  • Business Analysis and Change Management;
  • Data Management;
  • Data Analytics including Spatial and GIS data;
  • Data Governance and Protection
  • Network Security and Compliance

Outdoor Staff

We employ outdoor staff to deliver a wide range of services directly to the public. They ensure the county’s parks are well tended, undertake maintenance works in the Council’s housing, repair roads and keep the streets of the county clean. Outdoor staff are employed in grades from General Operative through to Senior General Services Supervisor.


The Fire Department of Meath County Council provides a multi-skilled approach to the areas of fire fighting, rescue and fire safety engineering.  The Fire Service is staffed by engineering, technical and administrative staff as well as retained fire personnel. Retained fire fighters are recruited directly by the Council through a competitive selection process and senior grades in the fire service are filled through competition. Engineers are employed in the Fire Prevention Section to ensure that the built environment is protected and that all new buildings comply with legislative requirements.


Library services are delivered by staff across a range of grades:

Executive Librarians who plan and oversee operations in the local libraries in the county, and in the departments of the County Library, in Navan as well as planning, promoting and managing programmes of events and activities in their libraries. 

Librarians and Library Staff Officers who assist the Executive Librarians in their role, with devolved responsibilities as appropriate, and who manage operations when Executive Librarians are not present. 

Library Assistants who work directly with the public, answering queries and generally helping the public make best use of the service; Senior Library Assistants who carry out similar tasks but who also have a supervisory role.

Leading and managing the service is the responsibility of the County Librarian and Senior Executive Librarians.