Master Plans

Master Plans set out a vision for an area undergoing or due to undergo change and detail a strategy for implementing that vision and are subject to updates/amendments, as required. 

The Meath County Development Plan 2021–2027 (CDP) contains a total of 38 Master Plan areas.  The Settlement Written Statements detail the relevant Master Plan objectives while the site boundary of all Master Plans are detailed on the Land Use Zoning Maps defined by a blue outline. See Volume 2 of the County Development Plan

Please see Section 11.15 for the full list of Master Plans 11. Development Management Standards and Land Use Zoning Objectives | Meath County Council Online Consultation Portal.

Master Plan 02 Navan Lands at Balmoral

The Masterplan lands are located c.200 metres north of Navan Town Centre at Balmoral. The lands are proposed to be developed to provide a high quality mixed use development including residential and retail as well as providing enhanced permeability and connections to the town centre and Blackwater Park.

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Master Plan 08 Navan Lands at Trim Road

Master Plan 8 sets out an urban design framework for the future development of lands at Trim Road, Navan. The Master Plan sets out indicative development proposals for the land which includes retail, residential and open space uses.

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Master Plan 18 Ashbourne at Milltown

This Masterplan relates to land at Milltown to the south of Ashbourne. This document sets out the main organising principles for the site to guide the future development of the lands which will provide lands for recreational uses and for residential development.

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Master Plan 22 Lands at Dunboyne North

This Master Plan sets out an urban design framework for the future development of a sustainable mixed use ‘live work’ community at Dunboyne North. Development of these lands will provide for significant residential and employment generating development within walking distance of the Dunboyne Parkway Rail station which accords with the principle of compact growth.

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Master Plan 38 Oldcastle Lands at Cogan & Cavan Street

The Masterplan lands comprise of Town Centre zoned lands positioned immediately north west of Oldcastle town centre, to the rear of Cogan and Cavan Street. The Masterplan provides for residential and retail/commercial uses in addition to a new roadway linking Cogan and Cavan Street.

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